Daily Star

Ruff & tumble



THE INVESTIGAT­OR: Mimicking a predator, your dog’s instinct will be to investigat­e first then tug, pull and shake. They never act alone and rely on you to be their partner in crime. The only question is: Who will let go first?

Recommende­d for them: Tug toys.

Game: Tug and chase.

Benefits: Builds confidence and promotes impulse control.

Level 1: Tug on the spot with your dog for 10 seconds, then run with the toy from one room to another as they chase you. Once they catch you, turn around and tug again. Rest for 30 seconds then repeat.

Level 2: Repeat step one but increase the chase and tug intervals to 20 seconds.

Level 3: Switch up the sequence, running in unpredicta­ble directions and stopping at random moments.

THE TRACKER: This dog will treat toys like they are family and never let them out of sight. If a toy does vanish, they will realise it’s missing right away.

Recommende­d for them: Treat enrichment toys.

Game: Hide and sniff.

Benefits: Reduces stress and increases explorator­y behaviours.

Level 1: Put treats in the pockets of an enrichment toy and have your dog wait out of sight while you hide it in a room. Once hidden, let your dog back in to sniff it out.

Level 2: Repeat step one but hide toys in multiple rooms.

Level 3: Repeat step two, making sure to hide toys in “scented” spots, such as in the washing basket, to disguise the treat smell.

THE PURSUER: A dedicated chaser of squirrels and birds, they have the intense desire to retrieve and keep on retrieving. And – chances are – their energy will last longer than your throwing arm!

Recommende­d for them: Throw and fetch toys.

Game: Fetch and repeat. Benefits: Burns energy and relieves anxiety.

Level 1: Place a few toys irish a row and have your dog sit beside them. Throw one toy and ask your dog to retrieve it. Repeat for each oy until they’ve retrieved them all.

Level 2: Repeat step one but throw the toys in different directions.

Level 3: Repeat step two but race your dog to fetch the toys.

THE DESTROYER: Toyob-sessed and destructiv­e by nature, these dogs will rip their toys apart within seconds to “kill” that hidden squeak.

Recommende­d for them: Chew toys.

Game: Dig and destroy.

Benefits: Aids problem-solving skills, relieves stress and anxiety.

Level 1: Bury one of your dog’s toys under a pile of washing. Once it’s hidden, ask them to dig for it.

Level 2: Build 2-3 piles of washing, burying a toy within each.

Level 3: To make it more difficult for your pooch, wrap the toy up tightly in a towel.

THE TEAM PLAYER: If your hound is this way they will be friendly, open to learning and happy to share. They will always be one step ahead, often watching you patiently with a toy until you’re ready to play with them.

Recommende­d for them: De-fluffer toys.

Game: DIY canine course.

Benefits: Increases endurance and strengthen­s joints, while also helping to reinforce the bond between you and your dog.

Level 1: Place four chairs in a row and attach a de-fluffer toy to a flirt pole. Weave the toy in and out of the obstacles and encourage your dog to follow.

Level 2: Add pillows to the agility course, encouragin­g your pooch to jump from one to the other.

Level 3: Using a broom and books, add a height restrictio­n so your furry friend either needs to crawl under it or jump over it.

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