Daily Star

It’s time Sunak stopped blaming everyone else


❑ Rishi Sunak and Michael Gove needs to start owning up to the fact he is part to blame for the councils going bankrupt. Police force have been cut for years now and that is a reason why the knife killings is so high. About time the cost-of-living crisis was dealt with. How much worse is this Tory Government going to let things go on for? MPs are calling for Rishi Sunak to go! They have had so many PMs change under the Tories in a short space of time: David Cameron, Theresa May, Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, and Rishi Sunak being the worst of them. We keep hearing Rishi Sunak saying I am delivering on my promises. He keeps going on about cutting taxes but didn’t mention about using people’s benefits. Evidence is stacking high that Rishi Sunak isn’t cut out to be Prime Minister. We need a government that will keep their promises and deliver on what they say. Squirrel

❑ So hunt is cutting national insurance again, nothing for us pensioners again, right pensioners let’s vote him out. Barry Tunbridge Wells

❑ To Jeremy Hunt Chancellor, if there is any amount of decency & compassion for the lower paid that you ensnared increasing & putting low paid in the tax bracket, put up personal allowances, to go back to where they were before you entrapped them. Firebird

❑ if MPs want police protection stop their meal and drink subs to pay for it. kinno

❑ Ex-prince Harry has lost another High Court challenge over the protection he would get if and when he visits or when he returns which seems unlikely. You can’t take the good coffee machine when you leave a job, especially if you tell the company to get lost and you probably won’t be that welcome anyway. If you leave, you lose the perks and it’s not like he can’t afford to supply his own team. Basically he didn’t want to be there and a lot of people don’t want him back. Hasn’t he heard of Zoom? Enjoy your new life, with your new family in your new country. Dennis Fitzgerald ❑ I’m stressed that if donald trump wins the election he’ll kick out harry & megain & the buggers will come here. Laurence

❑ Kellogg’s boss Gary Pilnick suggests that struggling families should eat cereal for dinner. This comes at a time when there has been a report into how harmful eating too much ultra-processed food can cause. Is Mr. Pilnick suggesting this so his company can sell more of its products? Dave Pinfold, Stockport

❑ if welsh farmers carnt work harder to run their farms then sell em as holiday-lets to rich english people. clive sweeney, basildon

❑ so some bright spark wants to shorten school summer holidays to 4 weeks and half terms to 2 weeks!! The only folk that are going to benefit from that set up is parents who can’t cope looking after their kids for 6 weeks solid. Obviously not all parents but some just can’t do it. Ziggy

❑ I’ve been in hosp many times in my life and you couldnt wish for better nurses and docs to look after than nhs ones. Mossy

❑ What is the point in taking the Tarquin T*SS*ers who disrupted Wimbledon to court, only for it to be thrown out? If The rest of us drive down the street with a duff light we’d get a ticket. Andyyork

❑ CHARLTON GARRY: I urge you to pay attention to the word ‘allegedly’ used to convey that something is claimed to be the case, although there is no proof. No proof was forthcomin­g that any Labour MP’s were anti-semitic so there are no names to name. Alan Quay

❑ Bricky Dave: These dopes plugging their Cars into the Mains, They obviously do not know that Cars Run On PET-ROL!! Den ❑ if it was me id get all those responsibl­e for the post office fiasco facing robert rinder! He would sort them out & put them in their place! They cannot hinder robert rinder! C u jimmy dumfries!

 ?? ?? ■ Could we have Jaime Pressly, she is so funny in My Name is Earl! McG
■ Could we have Jaime Pressly, she is so funny in My Name is Earl! McG

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