Daily Star

Rich don’t use their loaf forking out £24 for bread


❑ Sunday Star, £24 loaf. Britains most expensive bread for the Numbskull Elite is a sourdough loaf garnished with decoration­s. The residents of Upper class Belgravia in London and the wealthy minority must be so stupid and devoid of the state of our country and people going hungry. An ordinary loaf costing up to £1 has to feed a family on a meagre budget with children for days. The wealthy hoo har henry brigade are so stupid and are totally out of touch with reality – brainless and shameless. TOD

❑ The amount of people who turned out for the funeral of Alexei Navalny was probably only a small number of Russians who felt brave enough to show their feelings, many more feel just as discontent­ed but are too frightened to show it. Smiler

❑ Vlad the Bad, sabre rattling with nuke bomb threats. 2 much vodka has addled his brain. ANGST

❑ If a tank machine guns unarmed civilians tat r starvin tryin t gt food killin 115 n injuring god know show many it haz tb a war crime wotever uk politicion­s say! Bob

❑ Post office putting stamps up again 10p the bosses could not run a p-ssup in a brewery if you opend the bottles for them. why run out with parcels only to a street when mail for same street gets left on shelves. what a waste of fuel. Stockton jeff

❑ In 1948 the population was 43 million and the nhs had 480,000 beds. In 2023 the population was 67 million and the nhs had 162,000 beds. Where are our taxes going? ADRIAN BONNINGTON

❑ how can mps possibly relate to a working person when they don’t know what hardship is as they can claim for virtually anything with the ridiculous expense system they are on. Perhaps they would then rein in the clearly blatant profiteeri­ng in energy food in fact all walks of life. I cannot name a single MP who I consider to be a statesman they have all got no end of skeletons in the cupboard not only that they’re are too many of them on the gravy train. And then a lot of them are taking advantage of their position as mps and are in 2 and 3 lucrative jobs that all too often are a conflict of interest time to pull the rug on these shameless people. Pomfretian

❑ Don’t fall for Sunak’s latest lie. After 13 years of gloom, he says vote for us as we are starting to deliver. what a coincidenc­e as we have an election coming up. John Nottingham

❑ The only thing Rishi Sunak has cut is 4 inches off is trousers. Pete Chester

❑ Just sums this once great country up when the geezer in rochdale wins. No hope for us now Winston rip mate we need you now more than ever. SE9 STEVE

❑ if Galloway says Sunak and Starmer are the same cheeks on the same backside he’s the hole in the middle.


❑ Sunak says our streets have been taken over by small groups who are hostile to our values. Waken up pal, it’s not just the streets it’s the whole of the country. You can’t just let hundreds of thousands of anonymous, unregister­ed people in the country from god knows where and expect them to follow our rules. If 100,000 skinheads marched on parliament with Union Jack flags flying and defaced war memorials the good old Metropolit­an Police would soon disperse them. Different rules for different people??

Cumbrian Kev

❑ 1.2 million Brits claim to have been abducted by aliens, many having had sex with them {DS Sun}. I fear Britains mental health crisis is worse than we though. Little Ern

❑ so a woman who can’t leave mayonnaise alone doesn’t think she’s addicted to it. Oh yes you are and God knows what your cholestero­l levels are like. EC

❑ Happy 200th birthday 4th March RNLI. Phil Southend

 ?? DALE ?? ■ Can we have a pic of Cat Deeley to brighten up this morning please?
DALE ■ Can we have a pic of Cat Deeley to brighten up this morning please?

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