Daily Star

More women MPs would be Raye of light


❑ BRIT AWARD winner RAYE with seven nomination­s says ‘everything she was told by men about music was a lie.’ A mind-blowing performanc­e at the Royal Albert Hall by her makes me think with only 265 female MPs in the House of Commons of 650 in total there lies our problem. Let’s run the nation encouragin­g more female MP’s or at least many more in the SUNAK cabinet and the Lords too. Lightbulb moment! Brian Linford Pontefract

❑ Watching Rishi Sunak wanting folk 2 unite due 2 extremism becoming rife in UK. That’s a bit rich, tory gov’s over the yrs hav caused division, leading to 2days outcome. u reap wot u sow. ANGST

❑ so the chancellor hunt would rather give tax cuts back that he stole from us and reduce public services even more rather that use the money to clear the backlog in the Nhs, improve the roads, increase spending for the elderly. a true tory with no empathy whatsoever the grinning assassin strikes again having already privatized nhs on the sly your a disgrace. Pomfretian

❑ With the dire state things are in, tax cuts should be the last thing on the budget day agenda. A

❑ President Joe Biden the Running Man, can his wife or aides tell him a man of his age trying to RUN. To meet people looks VERY SILLY, plus the fact the chances of him FALLING ON FACE ARE VERY REAL, GIVE IT UP JOE. Angry Els seaham co Durham

❑ how long is the British public going to stand being jerked off by this government the man in the street is being bled to death with crippling taxes and ludicrous pie in the sky environmen­t policies while the Russian midget is waging all out war is he paying a carbon offset for all the environmen­tal damage Russia china India and others are burning coal as quickly as they can dig it up - meanwhile our idiots are blowing up our power stations and filled in our pits! And then we have the utterly failed policy of immigratio­n if you people who have come here both illegally and legally don’t like what our crackpot government is doing then leave on The next raft home and turn the lights off on the way out - and pay your hotel bill. P

❑ To ANGST: What’s wrong with having your brain addled by too much vodka! To ADRIAN BONNINGTON: Our taxes are being spent on immigratio­n. CHARLTON GARRY

❑ Very sad to hear of Dave Myers passing away a true gent he will be missed by many our deepest sympathy to his wife and family and his great friend Simon RIP great man. Brian

❑ Well done to burger fan Don Gorske on munching his way through over 34,000 Big Macs. After eating his favourite burgers for 50 years, it really goes to show that a little bit of what you fancy does you good. In Don’s case, that’s more than a little bit of what he fancies! Dave Pinfold, Stockport

❑ i went to the chip shop and asked for a jumbo sausage the bloke said “it won’t be long”. i said “it better be”.

tony worksop

❑ little ern, if 1.2 million brits claim alien abduction it would seem more is going on than mental health.

Johnny 7, hull

❑ I am one of the 1.2 million people who have been abducted by aliens. They tried to use an anal probe on me but I wouldn’t let them! Grant Hately

❑ I have a daughter named Summer .... she is like a Ray of Sunshine. I have a daughter named Spring ... she is like a meadow full of tulips & daffodils. I have son named Autumn .... he is really clumsy and keeps falling out of trees! Fran Mcmahon Liverpool

 ?? Graham Burton Uttoxeter ?? Could you print a picture of Sarah Keith-Lucas the weather person?
Graham Burton Uttoxeter Could you print a picture of Sarah Keith-Lucas the weather person?

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