Daily Star

Ariana’s talkin’ on sunshine



ARIANA Grande is in love again… with music.

The recently divorced star yesterday released new album Eternal Sunshine and opened up about how much she has enjoyed reconnecti­ng with her first passion after filming the movie Wicked.

Ariana revealed:

“I had a very interestin­g relationsh­ip to music before I left for Wicked.

“The time away was really healing. I came back and I’ve loved every minute of making this album, the videos, rehearsing, putting the roll-out together, doing the photo shoots, every single part of it.

“More than ever before in my life, I’ve been able to be so much more present and enjoy it and savour it this time in a way that I don’t think I was able to before.”

Despite huge success, Ariana never felt entirely comfortabl­e in her own skin.

She elaborated: “I feel like, ‘Oh my goodness, what a gift to be able to make this art.’ For so long I was in hiding from it, hiding from my success or from what comes with it, and it was really impacting my ability to be able to love what I do for a long time. “It was really making me resentful. “I learned that I wasn’t really listening to myself in a lot of areas where I could have been.”

The album opens with the question: “How can I tell if I’m in the right relationsh­ip?” It’s answered in the closing track Ordinary Things inspired by a voice note of her grandma, who she calls Nonna. Ariana told

Zane Lowe on Apple Music 1: “I always record Nonna when I’m with her because you never know what she’s going to say and she’s the most hilarious person in the world.

“I had this 30-minute voice note of her and her friend Shirley talking.

“It was just right smack in the middle of it and I said, ‘Oh my God, that’s the answer.’”

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