Daily Star

Wild wolves aren’t the monsters of fairytales


❑ it would be wonderful to have the wolf back in our countrysid­e, when they were reintroduc­ed to yellowston­e they had a remarkable positive effect on the surroundin­g environmen­t, but britain is now a very overpopula­ted country, our roads are jammed full of traffic and the sides of the roads are already dotted with the corpses of deer and badgers. Would it be fair on the wolves, the country has changed so much since they were murdered by man to make way for our oh so superier modern way of life, the public would need to be educated about wolves, they would need to be told that these animals are not the monsters of biased fairytales, but are caring intelligen­t family orientated animals, modern humans on the other hand are reactionar­y selfish creatures who need to learn about balance in nature. john challenger

❑ rewild want wolves back in countrysid­e never heard such twaddle. lets say one reintroduc­ed animal attacks and injures or kills someone are the rewild lot insureing themselves for claims made against them as sure as hell its them to be sued, it will happen with wild boar if people go near young not knowing the young are hidden. Stockton jeff

❑ Will humans never learn? not happy with destroying this planet China says it’s now preparing to defend what it claims is their part of the moon. Technicall­y it belongs to no one so are we about to see wars there now? Mike Liverpool

❑ The budget, if we get an increase in pension we will be taxed, the Chancellor could of raised the threshold say to 18.5%. I had a part time job but have given up as had to pay £7k tax? As my Dad used to say the Tories only look after the rich. Big Les

❑ Reading in our great paper that LIZ TRUSS spent more than £I5OOO of public cash on catering make her pay it back. thank god she did’nt last long as PM!! m{oap}

❑ Sorry, Jeff, but what is wrong with the women of Birmingham, or any other city, wanting equal pay. There’s nothing misandrist about them wanting to be paid the same as men if they’re doing exactly the same job.


❑ To boffins & boffinesse­s, you say that a1 will match human intellegen­ce, does that mean some will be as thick as 2 short planks.


❑ John Challenger: there is a Sikh and Hindu war memorial the Chattri memorial on the downs in Brighton. stig2

❑ Bought some Pork Pies by a well known maker yesterday found out 93% Pastry 3% Meat. What a con, NEVER again. ANGIE B

❑ I have looked all over in the highway code and I cannot find where it says that when you are in a supermarke­t car park the use of indicators is not required. alphaone Selby

❑ Royal Mail posting isn’t just used by the elderly, they are also used by the young generation. Like me and others. Squirrel

❑ The article in Dstar on saturday titled PAIRFECT is not perfect, there must be exceptions. My example argues with your theory. I was 40 and in 1982 I met a beautiful woman aged 26 and after about an hour and a half of just talking with no alcohol or sexual involvemen­t I said, “We get on so well, if we put our names into the local registrar we could be married in 4 weeks”. She replied, “Well do that”. So I did, and we’ve been happily married now for 42 years with a beautiful daughter. And we don’t have green eyes or blonde hair. Just sayin.’ BUDDY FAN

The Gut Buster diet 5 days a month. Drinking that concoction u may lose weight but what r u doing to the ozone layer. TEDG

ANON ESSEX - Looked up the word “snot” for you and it is “mucus from the nose”. HAZ

Adrian chiles saying he was “fat shamed “theres no such thing its an opinion ok?? ANON

 ?? Sammy ?? ■ Let’s have a pic of Gladiator Diamond. Livi’s a real gem!
Sammy ■ Let’s have a pic of Gladiator Diamond. Livi’s a real gem!

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