Daily Star

Cost of tea & biccies won’t pay for a tank


❑ Axing tea & biscuits at ministry of defence meetings, just ow much wil that save per year. Not enough 2 buy a tank, etc. ANGST

❑ Who cares if royal photo has been touched up, I did think what a lovely picture till all those DIC * ’S needed to criticised it. Big Les

❑ Well chickens come home to roost the MPs are whining like stuck pigs because people are starting to pressure them and they don’t like it. They are getting a taste of what the normal people in Uk have to put up with on a daily basis unrulines and disregard of laws frustratio­ns in large brought about by the very people who are moaning! we’ve seen standards of public services dismantled, infrastruc­ture crumbling, prospects destroyed and Hunt still gets on his soap box trying to tell us in effect we never been better off. I for one couldn’t buy 6 flats at once like hunt did so how can this man pretend to know what’s good for us. Uk continues to hurtle headlong into oblivion while the lunatics in the driving seat shout every thing is fine! Pomfretian

❑ Pm Sunak Alias SCROOGE, what a disgrace you are. going to squeeze benefits to lower tax. There are people going to food banks barely able to heat or eat, and your going to take more money from them. Our NHS is in dire straits, no NHS dentists but you do all you can for the immigrants using the British people’s money. Angry Els co Durham

❑ and so we have it. this government obviously has nothing to do as regards sorting the mess this country is in, so it has decided to rewrite the dictionary, extremism being the latest word to come under scrutiny. not that there is anything wrong with the current definition. i too have decided to take a leaf out of the govt’s stance, and have decided to replace the definition of certain words such as, spineless, weak, pathetic, gutless, useless, rudderless cowards ... and replace them with the word ‘conservati­ve.’ dave from coppull

❑ The government wants everyone out of cars and on public transport.. so to help to achieve this they allow the cost of rail travel to increase yet again. and plan a tax on taxis’s great thinking. Bob Northampto­n

❑ Star report p2 Cash to flush out sewage. If all of our Water Companies are now in Private ownership with Shareholde­r’s how come Environmen­t Secretary Steve Barclay is giving them £180 million pound of our hard earnt income taxes to sort out their mess regarding sewage spills. When did he decide it’s a right thing to do to give tax payers monies to private companies while the Shareholde­rs are raking in huge dividends. PRIVATELY OWNED means your on your own Mr Barclay not get bailed out by us tax PAYERS when things go belly up, we must be INSANE as a nation to be RIPPED off by private companies. TOD

❑ english has many french words in it, but also many nordic and germanic words, with a few asian ones thrown in, if i remember rightly french is a latin based language so they owe that to the romans, its funny it almost shows that humans for millenia traveled and picked up things from each other, its like we all have things in common and our difference­s are actually not as important as all that, perhaps if we look more to the similariti­es and concentrat­e less on the superficia­l difference­s we might all get on a little better, if language can be combined and united then why can’t the people who speak it. john challenger

❑ Got myself a sat nav for people over 60! Not only does it show you how to get to places, it also reminds you the reason why you went there in the first place! Francis

 ?? ??
 ?? Missy, Milton Keynes ?? ■ As we had Gladiator Diamond yesterday, surely we need one of the guys to even things up. How about Phantom?
Missy, Milton Keynes ■ As we had Gladiator Diamond yesterday, surely we need one of the guys to even things up. How about Phantom?

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