Daily Star

Spend £3k on one-way flights for Sunak & Co


❑ It looks like APRIL FOOL’S day has come early this year. You couldn’t make this up could you, our IDIOTIC GOVERMENT is planning to give failed Asylum seekers £3,000 each to leave Britain and go to Rewanda. Failed Asylum claim means you have no rights to remain here in Britain. So our Goverment says please take £3,000 and let us deport you to Rewanda. Now instead of giving a reward for being here in Britain illegally just transport them to the airport and remove them from our country. I am beginning to think us tax payers would be better off giving Sunak and his Tory CHUMPS the £3,000 each to go to Rewanda on a one way ticket instead. TOD

❑ What the hell is going on with our government? FAILED ASYLUMS SEEKERS are to be offered 3K to move to RWANDA. WHERE is this money coming from? oh yes the BRITISH PEOPLE. WHY are we PAYING them to leave?? Angry Els co Durham

❑ The Conservati­ves are planning to bring back Boris Johnson to campaign in Red Wall seats. Back in 2019, there were two main reasons for the Conservati­ve landslide in the General election, under Bojo’s leadership: 1. Brexit, and 2. Many of Labour’s traditiona­l voters felt alienated by Jeremy Corbyn and his far-left policies. A lot has changed since then, and many of the Red Wall voters feel that they have been let down by the Conservati­ves. Dave Pinfold, Stockport

❑ This week’s KNOB IN A TOP JOB must go to Frank Hester. It is just a shame that with his wealth, reported of 415 million pound. He is not able to buy a brain cell or two.

❑ so Diane Abbot is upset by Frank Hesters attack on her. She’s come out with some dodgy comments in her career. EC ❑ Why isnt Frank Hester being charged with a racist hate crime charge due to his vile comments. Ah just like lying Torys, he’s got money and £10mil to share with them. Say that in the street plebs, and the boys in blue would soon huckle you. Mark

❑ Kate can publish a photo of her family if she wishes, but it does make you think a photo of perfect smiles is a smoke screen for something more sinister that’s been going on. And in my opinion a photo is always best left as the natural look, why take a photo just to instantly edit it? You can’t edit life! Dave Cornwall

❑ why is it that this government & previous government­s think everyone has a smart phone, I myself have a pay as you go phone & don’t know how to pay on line coming from a special school & being 82 years old, you know what they say, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, & that goes reluctantl­y for my wife being in the same position as myself. Harry

❑ Laurence, bet the French resistance helped kill more germans than the home guard ever did. Many French died on the battle field. They even got out of pow camps before the British did. Viv la France. SUNDANCE

❑ Stockton Jeff, As you’ve previously disagreed with ‘Right to Roam’ would reintroduc­ing Wolves to the Wild not serve the purpose!! Just saying. Den

❑ I’ve just heard Mr Clive Palmer is going to build a replica off the TITANIC ... He better be careful because also on the grape vine is North Korea are considerin­g building a replica off the ICEBERG. Sorry, couldn’t resist. Tony from Manchester

❑ So a mega rich guy wants to rebuild the titanic. I think that should go down pretty well! Grant Hately

❑ General rule of thumb for eating food at your desk. Providing it doesn’t smell, stink, or crunch , it’s ok by me. Otherwise people who eat suchlike near others are scum. Dave from coppull

 ?? ??
 ?? ?? ■ any chance of pic of lovely danni menzies of place in the sun thanks. gary h bristol
■ any chance of pic of lovely danni menzies of place in the sun thanks. gary h bristol

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