Daily Star

Save money by having a May election


❑ Biggles’ Sunak’s ruled out holding the general election at the beginning of May. Seems strange when much of the country’s going to be voting in local council, mayoral and police and crime commission­er elections then, holding a fourth on the same day would have made logistical and financial sense. History shows us that PMs who cling on as long as they can, and I’m thinking Major and Brown, tend to be punished even more by the electorate. Maybe he should just bite the bullet and put the Tories, and us, out of their misery. RedLeader

❑ Well here we go again. The ive done BUGGER ALL PM Rishi Sunak has had a visit from the Former American President Barack Obama at No10. I wonder what that is for, it wouldn’t be to persuade us British Electorate to vote Tory again like he did in the EU referendum to vote remain would it, or we will be Back of the Queue in America if we didn’t. Well I remember if we didn’t vote to stay in the EU he did a similar visit to the runaway former PM Cameron. Well ive got news for Rishi Sunak and the DANCING former President, we are already back of the Queue as British citizens, last for social housing, No NHS dentists, weeks for Hospital appointmen­ts, cost of living crisis, roads crumbling, inferstruc­ture crumbling ect. TOD

❑ I was intrigued regarding the reaction in this country to Vladimir Putin’s re-election Russia at the weekend. Notwithsta­nding that opposition MPs are likely to be beaten up or even worse by Kremlin henchmen – is their actual electoral system much different to ours? UKIP came top in a proportion­ally represente­d, Euro parliament­ary vote in 2014. Moreover, they polled well over 10,000 more votes than the Lib Dems and SDP combined in the UK 2015 general election. Yet these two parties gained 64 MPs to UKIP’s one. Absolutely disgracefu­l! In the UK, only two parties can possibly win. Both Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer are universall­y disliked. Yet one will lead our country for the next five years. How can this be right? Jim Sokol

❑ so a new dock for gaza thats the way they are going to get uk and us special forces into gaza. No boots on the ground bah humbug. Adonis

❑ Roads goin 2 pot {holes} thanks 2 gov’ underfundi­ng in infrastruc­ture. They get revenue from fuel duty/ road tax etc. ANGST

❑ So for the 3rd time in as many weeks I rang my local chemist for advice about my medication. And for the 3rd time I get the answering service stating that the message section is full. What the hell is going on? LEO F

❑ To LEO F, OMG I forgot all about having the luxury of a local Bobby. Blame the Tories for the cuts. Oh and every town and village once had public toilets. Now we haven’t got a pot to p**s in! Sharon Frip

❑ Re Countryfil­e, totally agree with Ziggy, another program spoiled by the Beeb’s wokeness. The segment worth watching is Adam Henson, real farming, but sometimes that is a bit ‘woke.’ The Oxford spiderman

❑ Ziggy: I think you’ll people in rural communitie­s are very worried about the complete lack of services. Ted

❑ with the seemingly inevitable keir starmer g.e victory, i look forward to gb news new schedules, inc dianne abbots state of the nation, and angela rayners real world! martin

❑ wen is eternal bore banksy gunna b prosecuted 4 defacement of public property & criminal damage with his/her childish, worthless crap, massively mistakenly called art? It’s criminal graffiti from a delinquent. Bantaman

❑ Nice picture of baby elephant, looks cheeky, could do with an hair cut though.

 ?? ?? ■ Love the new England kit. Pic of Alex Greenwood pls, she’s my No1 player! Alan
■ Love the new England kit. Pic of Alex Greenwood pls, she’s my No1 player! Alan

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