Daily Star

Banning booze, pizzas & doughnuts is so boring!

- Geoff Newcastle

❑ Tech millionair­e Bryan Johnson wants to create a “don’t die” country where doughnuts, pizza and booze would be illegal. These are some of life’s little pleasures for most people, and as the saying goes “A little bit of what you fancy does you good.” Bryan’s boring country would be a dystopia rather than a utopia. Dave Pinfold

❑ Gouqi restaurant. Absolutely disgusting to read this restaurant in London is selling shark fin soup. I don’t care about how much it costs in monetary terms. The price, however, is that our oceans need these magnificen­t apex predators to help maintain the balance of nature. Not only that, their fins are cut off whilst the shark is alive and chucked back in to drown in agony. And reportedly they taste of nothing! Abominable. Jo, Dorset

❑ so yet again we have a council bowing down to some tosser who buys a house an then complains about the noise of the church bells at night an the church at withdriege in north devon have had to silence them – why do these people buy houses in places like this an then try to ruin the history of the village and shame on the council for takin any notice of people like this. sam saunders walsall

❑ How are we supposed to keep at least 2m away from psycho seagulls which are spreading avian flu, when they surround our buildings where we work in their thousands. And they randomly dive bomb you when they are protecting their nests. Can’t we cull them? Dave Cornwall

❑ According to ‘Biggles’ Sunak people are starting to see the green shoots of recovery. Yes, ‘Biggles,’ and your nose is starting to grow as big as ‘Bozo’ Johnson’s used to. RedLeader

❑ So food prices r falling then?? Don’t know where they get that info’ from?? ANGST

❑ Labour councils Birmingham and Nottingham bankrupt because of Conservati­ve Government robbing them of billions and refusing to give it back. Prices have also risen though the roof. Squirrel

❑ How insensitiv­e people are. Its obvious to me and i should hope to any woman worth her salt. She had a major surgery. 2Wks hospital. 3 Mths recovery. She had to have drip because of sickness during pregnancy. Come on women would you be able to sit for a photo like that. It was done to appease speculatio­n. And maybe please the kids. So dont be unkind. Get well soon kate we miss you. Perthshire lass

❑ when is all this crap going to stop about kate. Would you tell the world what u have had done its nobodys buisness but theres. We got more important things to worry about like the 300k condoms surely the athletes are there to perform in there sport not there sex lives. premier nan

❑ Today’s Star picture of King Charlie p5 isn’t the best one I’ve ever seen. I honestly thought it was taken in the MADAM Tussaud’s in Blackpool. It certainly wouldn’t pass for a passport photo but would certainly keep Burglars away from the front door if displayed in your windows. TOD

❑ About ten years ago, I remember Greta the Gremlin bleating we have just five years to save the planet. If you Havant noticed Greta, we are all still here and thriving and will be in another ten years. Ben york

❑ its neurodiver­sity week, comes round quick doesn’t it? neurodiver­sity thats boffin talk for we’re all different, where would we be without these geniuses? john challenger

❑ So IT problem’s at McDonald’s, Tesco, Argos, Sainsbury’s and Greggs but Greggs had to close shops surely they could still take cash payments? It proves technology isn’t always the best. Always carry cash.

 ?? ?? ■ Anne Hathaway. Couldn’t see the difference in the photos. Too busy staring at her beauty. Oc Surbiton
■ Anne Hathaway. Couldn’t see the difference in the photos. Too busy staring at her beauty. Oc Surbiton

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