Daily Star

Daily Star readers are total sex gods

- ■ by STIAN ALEXANDER news@dailystar.co.uk

FOLK who read newspapers like your Daily Star are the sexiest when out and about, a study has found.

A poll of 2,000 Brits found paper readers were considered more attractive than those looking at Kindles, their phones, mags or books.

Those taking part in the study were asked to choose who they considered the “most attractive” when they were out and about on public transport, in waiting rooms, cafes and pubs.

Asked who “caught their eye”, the study by new dating site Finding The One found that those reading a newspaper were most “alluring”.

Those with their heads in their phones were judged least attractive.


Sarah Collins, 41, of Ely, Cambs, said she is an avid newspaper reader.

The landscape gardener explained: “I have learned not to trust news from social media sources.

“I find the only reliable news is in the newspapers, and I enjoy having a newspaper in my hands rather than worrying about whether my phone is going to run out of charge or getting endless ads or links.”

Dating expert Sylvia Linzalone said: “It turns out nothing’s sexier than a well-informed mind.

“It’s great to see those who prefer the rustle of a newspaper over the scroll of a screen are topping the charts in the dating game.

“In an era where screens dominate our attention, there’s an undeniable allure to those who appreciate the timeless appeal of ink on paper and the art of taking things slow.

“So, to all you newspaper readers out there, keep turning those pages and turning heads while you’re at it!”


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