Daily Star

It’s a lot of fuss over a football kit!


❑ Although I don’t often agree with what Keir Starmer says, he is right to criticise Nike over their altering of the St. George Cross on the new England kit. We should be proud of the St. George flag, and it should not be messed about with. Nike have scored an “own goal” with this alteration. Dave Pinford, Stockport

❑ All these snowflakes upset by a piece of material, eh. El Tel

❑ All this fuss over Nike changing the Saint George’s Cross on England football shirts. Surely a bigger issue is why we have Saint George as our patron saint at all. He’s Turkish, not English; certainly never slew a dragon; probably never set foot in this country; and has no real links to it. Couldn’t we find any saints with strong links to this country? RedLeader

❑ Nike, no likey, would u do that to any other countrys flag, thats one kit my grand kids wont b gettin or anything Nike for that matter.


❑ re the “fury” at the redesigned George cross on the new Nike England shirts


❑ Nike u have not united or inspired anyone with what u have done to the cross of ST George instead u have united thousands if not millions to boycott ur products. Joss Mc

❑ what r the FA playin at by allowin nike to deface the cross of st george, thats our countrys flag, what next do we have to change our name, this is England and we r proud to b english. Jem

❑ I know lets go and **** up the american flag see how nike like it. Julie Liverpool

❑ To all the England fans i urge u to all wear ur old England shirts hit nike where it hurts their pockets. SM

❑ i dont know whats worse? nike taking the red cross of st george off the new england kits? or iceland taking the cross off hot cross buns? steve, mcr

❑ Ye Gods, whining, whimsical, WASPI women moaning about the state pension age, do your homework ladies and you’ll see that for over 100 years we men had to graft till we were 65 whilst you lot put your feet up at 60. If anyone has been discrimina­ted against over retirement age, it’s men. R. Slicka Derby

❑ women say they were not informed of pension change. It was the burn your bra brigade who screamed we want to work until 65 like men. Gov were laughing their socks off it saved them millions. you morons. GREENY BARNSLEY

❑ STATE PENSION TRIPLE LOCK as expected pre election sees the Tories scathingly set to commit to it if re-elected. Could we please have it in writing? Recently it was called into question amid high inflation / rapid earnings growth favouring a frugal unbelievab­le and shameful ‘double’ lock denying pensioners 3.6billion without the 2.5% guarantee. The lock rises in line with the highest of earnings the rate of inflation or 2.5% annually. This is one promise in a long since forgotten Tory manifesto RISHI SUNAK could honour with the elderly looking at working til 71 soon. Brian Linford Pontefract

❑ It’s really inappropri­ate for the mp’s to have an automatic pay rise whilst drs, nurses, public services, councils, rail workers, transport and staff, etc haven’t had a rise in pay & conditions for 14 years. John, northumber­land

❑ if this nasty Tory party get back in again it’ll be the biggest rigged sham election than Putins election result. Kilroywozh­ere

❑ 3 teenagers film themselves attacking an innocent man who subsequent­ly dies. their punishment? 18months and 2years respective­ly. what kind of punishment is that? British justice really is a joke. Little Erns Missis

 ?? ?? ■ I would love a photo of Emma Atkins. Sammy, Worthing
■ I would love a photo of Emma Atkins. Sammy, Worthing

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