Daily Star


- ■ by JERRY LAWTON jerry.lawton@dailystar.co.uk

JEREMY Clarkson says a boffins’ study – part of an £87million taxpayers’ handout – that claims living near heritage sites makes folk happy is “b ***** ks”.

The ex-Top Gear motormouth, 63, slammed a Government­funded study by Historic England which found “what actually makes me happy is the fact that just five miles from where I live there’s some kind of old druidy stone circle”.

Creepy Clarkson criticised the fact experts who “can’t mend the roads or fit our submarines with a missile that actually works” were given public money to “produce guff like this”.

“I don’t have to visit it,” he ranted. “I just have to know, in the back of my mind, that it’s there, and this alone makes me all warm and fuzzy.

“In short they say that people who live near historical sites are happier than those who don’t.

“They’ve even quantified things saying that if you live in an area that’s densely packed with heritage sites – Bath, for example – your life satisfacti­on score will rise by 0.025%.

“This is all very interestin­g.

But it is also b ***** ks. It is impossible for anyone to say what makes people happy which is why these taxpayer-funded surveys make me so cross.” Researcher­s calculated “happy” folk living near heritage sites boosted the economy by an extra £515 each a year. The Clarkson’s Farm presenter suggested Historic England’s funding could be “better spent” mending damaged roads. He said he had done “a quick bit of maths” and he reckoned the annual £87m “would be enough” to fix nearly two million potholes, inset.


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RANT: Clarkson slammed a happiness study

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