Daily Star

Not all fellas shirk a share of the chores


❑ Re Caz Brighton, I do a 12hr shift, come on and still do the cooking everyday while the wife does 5hrs a day, not forgetting the house work and mow the lawns. The valiant

❑ Caz Brighton, as a single bloke I do my own cooking, housework and shopping, when I was married I worked full time and had to do the cooking, housework, shopping and bath the ex’s son (not mine) and put him to bed while she sat and watched TV please don’t tar every man with the same brush (and I’m staying single). Geoff Newcastle

❑ just how delusional are some people in thinking that only women do the housework? My wife and myself have been married for nearly 40yrs. And always shared the cleaning and cooking etc. Len S

❑ Delboy Suffolk: £40,000 is a lot of money. Hope you wife still works, when she retires you’ll see what £40,000 not paid is like. It’s left me penniless. Caz Brighton

❑ the Tories have promised to keep the triple lock on state pensions, what they don’t say is that they are denying people such as myself a state pension until I am 73 which is when my Wife turns 66, what they call a mixed age couple, so it’s Universal credit for us even though it is an incentive to work benefit not pension. Mr.C.

❑ Just when you think us BRITISH TAX PAYERS couldn’t be mugged off any worse by that UNELECTED House of Lords and Ladies it gets even WORSE. They have now put BARONESS Smith of Llanfaes in the Scroungers Club. Being that she is a eye watering age of 27 she can now collect £360 per day for life plus subsidised bar and luncheons and from April £100 for any overnight stays in Hotels in London so she doesn’t tire herself out traveling home. We must be absolutely insane as a nation for tolerating this UNELECTED House interferin­g with the Goverments policies including illegal immigratio­n and being rewarded with a tax free £360 per day for the privilege. Who can earn £360 per day in Britain and not pay tax on it apart from them, and why. It should be ABOLISHED and a Giant CHUBB Lock put on the doors, they really are now taking the wee out of us British tax payers and it has to STOP. TOD

❑ Tory Government are set to have a pay rise while we are in a middle of a cost-of-living crisis. Having a £5k pay rise and salaries jump to £91,000. Just greedy ***** ds showing off and acting rich while poor get poorer. Why don’t they live on what the poor live on and see how it is for them and see them moan about it? Squirrel I wonder if the fruit cakes in government have taken advantage of Dian’s abbot’s financial bounce. How do mps seriously expect people of minimum wage to buy an electric car let’s not forget every body else in the land isn’t on a gold plated expenses system or a £360 per attendance {irrespecti­ve how long they are there} lords a laughing allowance. How long are the British public gonna put up with being shafted by the government. Pomfretian

❑ Why do we taxpayers pay for the tories to have an expenses paid trips to Rwanda when not one asylum seeker has been to said place. John Northumber­land

❑ A Tarquin called Olive says that Just Stop Oil has too many middleclas­s white students who are out of touch with ordinary Brits. No s**t Sherlock! Most ordinary people have had enough of Just Stop Oil and similar groups, as their disruptive protests hinder their everyday lives. Dave Pinfold, Stockport

❑ hi my poem ‘fossil firms only care about profit and cost, but it comes at a higher cost and price to human health, while the companies make their wealth. andy the witchyman wilts

 ?? McG ?? ■ Not seen the lovely Carol Vorderman for a bit, brains and beauty! Pic please DS
McG ■ Not seen the lovely Carol Vorderman for a bit, brains and beauty! Pic please DS

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