Daily Star

Sunak’s gong for donors is pure elitism


❑ Rishi Sunak sees billionair­e Mohamed Mansour get a knighthood after donating the party 5m basically Gongs For Donors allegedly ‘the PM arrogantly not caring what the public think.’ He was party treasurer 2022. The ‘donor’ criteria for a controvers­ial honors system needs reviewing as do peers in the Lords ie embarrassi­ng attendance / expenses & a daily rate of £342. Arrogance springs to mind for SOME. Others acknowledg­ing ‘public service’ are tarred by the same brush sadly Elitism!

Brian Linford Pontefract

❑ the oxford cambridge boat race, what great entertainm­ent that was, posh boys and girls playing in sewage, eliteism at its most tedious.

john challenger

❑ Great Britain? Our rivers lakes & coastlines are full of raw sewage, our air quality is disgusting, our towns & city streets are full of litter & filth, yet we have had many years of austerity & government funding cuts, we were led to believe after brexit our own government would be in charge and everything was going to be just fine – What went so wrong? Mr. C.

❑ Ecoli? My mates and myself use to swim in the local canal in the 60s. And we are All still around to tell the tale. POPPY M

❑ i spoze others hav noticed both u.s.a. and the u.k. nw speak ov using military t protect their interests around the world? shudnt it b only protectin its territry?


❑ So what if Ukraine has to retreat because U.S. refuses more military aid. Zelenskyy had a brass neck begging countries that are fighting terrorism, homelessne­ss, hunger, diseases & cultural traditions on own doorstep.


❑ Saturday Star report p18, Games Plea for 2k Cops. Frances Macron wants 46 countries to help Police his Olympic Games. He’s pleading poverty again and wants other countries to provide Police for his benefit. What’s betting Mugged off BRITAIN will be first in line to provide him our overstretc­hed Police Force. He’s already Mugged us off to the tune of Millions to Police his beaches to pretend to stop the ILLEGALS crossing the Channel. If France CAN’T or WON’T police the Olympic games should they be holding them. Here’s your solution President Macron, engage your vast Army to Police it.


❑ The Army is going to allow beards, providing that they are kept neat and tidy. People’s personal choices regarding their appearance should not affect the job that they do, so long as their appearance is not too extreme. Although some traditiona­l people may disapprove of this policy, the Army has done the right thing by keeping up with the times. Dave Pinfold, Stockport

❑ Snow forecast to fall at a rate of ten centimetre­s an hour for fifty-four hours. I’ll believe it when I’m up to my neck in the white stuff. Which will be roughly eighteen hours, if they’re right. Brian ❑ so Lizzo ? Says she doesn’t make music for white people .. now reverse that a white singer says they don’t make music for black people imagine the outrage racist would be screamed everywhere.. so racism only works one way does it.


❑ Few years ago on a Good Friday Southend carparks were free so was street parking but someone got a parking fine. They parked on the double yellow by the parking machine. Near April fools day but not a joke. Phil Southend ❑ My wife got stung by a bee on the cheek. Shes in A&E with a swollen & bruised face. Lucky i was close enough to hit the bee with my shovel.


❑ My old dad always said when one door closes another one opens. He never could sell that skoda. bolton lass

 ?? Flynn, Tavistock ?? ■ Gillian Anderson – what an accomplish­ed actress! Could we see a pic?
Flynn, Tavistock ■ Gillian Anderson – what an accomplish­ed actress! Could we see a pic?

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