Daily Star

Meghan all about the hook


IF Meghan Trainor’s catchy songs drive you mad then she’s done her job.

The All About That Bass singer has revealed her goal is always to create tunes that keep fans up at night because they’re so snappy.

She said: “I want it to haunt them, I want them to wake up and go, ‘Argh I couldn’t sleep because I was singing your song all night long’ – I love it!”

And Meghan is determined to let people know that she’s the genius behind her melodic hits such as new chart favourite Been Like This, and earworms Made You Look and Don’t I Make It Look Easy.

She said: “When Made You Look popped off, a lot of people called my team and were like, ‘Well who wrote it?,’ and they were like, ‘Well, she did, she’s a writer!’

“My managers got a lot of compliment­s like, ‘Good job believing in her and sticking with her because she really did it’ – and they were like rolling their eyes, we all were. Because it’s like, ‘I have been doing this, what do you mean? You’re just waking up.’”

However, Meghan admitted that being a pop star is proving a little more difficult now that she’s 30.

She overshared: “I’m trying to get in shape because I am about to be jumping and dancing on tour, I work out four days a week and I eat really healthy and clean. I’ve had weird tummy issues after the babies and I think being 30 now, my body is like, ‘Bye.’ I have to be gluten-free now and dairy-free because they told me I have IBS now, but the constipate­d side… “We’re learning, growing up.” Meghan tours the US later this year, but isn’t sure when she’ll be back on the road as she’s planning on expanding her family.

The mum of two boys confessed: “I want four… I want daughters, or a daughter.”

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