Daily Star

Kids learning pronouns not how to write

- Dave Pinfold

❑ To Dave from Coppull, Are you having a laugh? How can teachers find time to teach kids how to hold a pen correctly when they have to teach them the appropriat­e woke pronouns, suicide awareness, political opinions, green issues, dietary and health best practices, various types of discrimina­tion, acceptable and unacceptab­le sexual practices and what they can and cannot be allowed to say and do, toilet training and even how to hold a knife and fork... Whoops!... I see what you mean, Dave. S. C. Hool

❑ Lets be totally honest here. If 30 years ago a teacher said to a classroom of boys that they could be girls if they wanted, he’d be sent to the nearest asylum and the kids would be laughing their heads off at him. Nowadays the kids are having all kinds of trashy values thrown at them and not a bit of wonder they have mental health issues. Oh for the good old days!!! Cumbrian Kev

❑ Growing up as a child in the 70’s, I remember watching on tv Tomorrow’s World. It gave you an insight of futuristic gadgets that would make things easier for humans. I think now we have reached the stage where the older we get, technology has turned against us. Dave Cornwall

❑ Is Biggles a complete idiot? planning to fine the homeless to the tune of 2,500 grand! where are they supposed to find that amount of cash? would they be sleeping rough if they had money. what a waste of space this man is. Little Erns Missis

❑ Fuming. Read in my daily star rishi biggles sunak planning to criminalis­e our homeless. The nuisance rough sleepers. What an absolute joke this bloke and his party is. The good conservati­ves get the clowns out now. But it’s ok for this bank holiday weekend alone 700+ asylum seekers to touch our shores and get housed. And fed and accommodat­ion And sunak can’t control this. Sorry this country is going downhill I’m so ashamed. Bazza 180

❑ USELESS Tory MP Gillian Keegan thinks it’s funny and smirks at the Homeless rough sleepers and along with the I do BUGGER ALL UNELECTED by the people PM Sunak want to arrest the poor souls sleeping rough because they Whiff. Well here’s news for you and the rest of you Tory Nasty Party you too will be Homeless at the Election after you’re sacked and kicked out of the House of Commons by a very ANGRY Electorate. Perhaps you should stop mollycoddl­ing the thousands of Illegals you are and have put in luxury Hotel’s and put Britains HOMELESS in them so they can at least have 3 square meals, clean bedding, and endless hot water for washing and general ablutions. The sooner you Nasty Party are SACKED the sooner Britain can start to recover. TOD

❑ Let’s get this Unelected Mp Rishi out. More boats coming over, hospitals, schools, etc etc etc. This country is getting worse under these idiots. They use to blame Labour for years. But these in charge have no idea what so ever. About time the people voted for who we what as Mp. Derbyd

❑ I don’t get it. In Scotland, if you hold an honest opinion about something you personally find offensive/ unpleasant/disrespect­ful/intimidati­ng etc. and then say so, someone else can have you charged/ fined/locked up on the grounds that they find your comments/actions offensive/unpleasant/ disrespect­ful/intimidati­ng. Could someone be arrested for saying are WE really so stupid? N. O. Brain

❑ In a victory for common sense, JK Rowling will face no further action over her social media posts that support biological reality, under Scotland’s new Hate Speech Law. This law threatens free speech. First Minister Humza Yousef said that he would like Scotland to be “Tory Free”, could this also be regarded as hate speech?

 ?? Eric, Bury ?? ■ Go on… give us a photo of Zendaya… she’s out of this world in Dune.
Eric, Bury ■ Go on… give us a photo of Zendaya… she’s out of this world in Dune.

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