Daily Star

War ready?! Kids stoned and too fat!


❑ the uk is war ready according to deputy pm oliver dowden, its a pity its not peace ready though, the roads are still full of pot holes the crime rate is going up and our borders are breeched on a daily basis, face it if our nation can’t turn back little rubber boats how are we supposed to look defended to a real aggressive force, the young people of this country are weak and undiscipli­ned, most are more in love with canabis than their own nation. Consecutiv­e government­s have let this country fall apart, and its people have become fat lazy and stupid, ready for war? john challenger

So government say it is not going to bring conscripti­on back. Why? It would teach them respect cut knife crime. And of course we may not have any choice with mad Putin banging his chest who he will invade next. Stockton jeff

Amazed how celebrity/wealthy flog their clothes acknowledg­ing online side hustles. Carrie Johnson is now apparently obsessed with Vinted. Sharing a 4.4 million Oxfordshir­e moated mansion granted a swimming pool extension with Boris Johnson they should ‘scrutt’ excess clothes giving all to a charity shop for the needy surely. These people are as RICH AS CROESUS and here they are hustling for the last penny. Beggars belief. Brian Linford Pontefract

P2 report, MPs ban on second jobs. I bet the MPs don’t half have a good old chuckle at us mere mortals when they continue to make rules up that only benefit THEMSELFS. Labour’s latest Christmas cracker joke is if they take power they will ban MPs from most second jobs. But they will allow broadcasti­ng work fees and after dinner speeches fees on a case by case basis. So to put it in plain English it’s business as usual, greed and more greed. And the latest classic by our USELESS Tory Goverment is to give an unpaid care worker a week’s unpaid week off. If your not getting paid in the first place how in God’s name is that giving you something. You really are a real Nasty Party aren’t you TORIES. TOD

❑ Watching BBC Countryfil­e about using farm land for solar power. Yes we need solar energy but we also need farms for food, the Government should give local authoritie­s the money to put solar panels on local authority properties including houses, flats, council buildings and commercial building’s rather than using farm land. Geoff Newcastle ❑

So the greedy train drivers are going on strike again. All I can say is that if they can afford to strike so many times they must be getting overpaid! Mr Joe public

❑ Woke witch greta thunberk is detained by Dutch Police following a disruptive protest against Dutch subsidies for fossil fuel companies. British Police need to learn from their Dutch counterpar­ts on how to deal with disruptive eco-protesters. Dave Pinfold ❑ All this fuss over the redesign of the Union Flag on Olympics merchandis­e. Has everyone forgotten the black, white and light blue Union Flag that was on some of the 2012 merchandis­e? Now that was an abominatio­n! RL

❑ we are all equal but some are More equal that others. if I touch Cannibus I get Hassled, Fined or Jailed, but some people can Legaly Grow & sell (export only) a clever MSP could use this Popular Cause instead of the Stupid unpopular Guff they Focus on. Brian

❑ People saying that Camilla should not be Queen than some say she should. Does it really matter? Queen or Queen Consort – King Charles wanted Camilla to be Queen. Squirrel

I said 2 my mate what do u enjoy these days? he said giving my money 2 the Bookies with no return hence i’m broke! mm

 ?? Flaming Keith ?? Can we have a pic of the talented Alice Levine?
Flaming Keith Can we have a pic of the talented Alice Levine?

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