Daily Star

Selfish bloke has found a new love



I HATE my ex-partner with every fibre of my being.

I loathe his lack of morals and pure selfishnes­s.

My kids (14 and 16) want us to be friends, but why should I give him the time of day?

I was a good partner and he treated me like rubbish.

The day I finally threw him out for squanderin­g money, drinking too much and messing around with other women, he walked straight into the arms of an excolleagu­e. He didn’t even have the decency to check himself into a cheap hotel for a night.

Instead, he knocked on the door of a woman who has always fancied him and presented himself as a free man. She invited him in, and he has been with her ever since.

How do I know this? Because our friends have told me the whole story.

I thought throwing him out would teach him a lesson but, as ever he landed on his feet. He’s branched out and reinvented himself and I’ve never felt lower.

I text him all the time to ask if he’s missing me, if he feels guilty. But he doesn’t.

I don’t understand how he can be so cold-hearted and unfeeling. How does someone simply flit from one bed to another?

Our children adore him and see him all the time. He and his new partner take them to concerts and restaurant­s, things I can’t afford to do.

The latest thing is that they’re taking the kids to a fabulous villa on Ibiza for two weeks in July.

I have nothing to offer and am terrified my kids are going to end up loving them more than me. Why does life have to be so hard?

JANE SAYS: You’ve got to let go of this hatred and negativity – tying yourself up in emotional knots is doing you no good.

Brush off your ex – stop obsessing over him and get on with your own life.

Only contact him when you need to discuss the children and even then, keep things polite, reasonable and calm.

I understand you have so many unanswered questions whirling around in your mind. But you need to accept that he no longer answers to you. Yes, you and he were together for many years, but that doesn’t give you any continuing rights over him.

Your relationsh­ip ran its course and finished. He’s a single man and he can sleep with anyone he fancies. You may not like the fact he left you and fell straight into the arms of another woman, but we all deal with changes in different ways.

Stop torturing yourself. Make plans, be strong and look ahead. Also, be mindful of the fact that your children have specifical­ly asked you to be civil to him. Are you able to be the bigger person and put your anger aside for them? No one is suggesting you and he have to be best buddies, but you don’t have to be sworn enemies either.

What you have to offer is that you’re a great mum...

 ?? ?? TREATED BADLY: She kicked out feckless fella and is upset he’s already moved on
TREATED BADLY: She kicked out feckless fella and is upset he’s already moved on

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