Daily Star

Olympics all about money not for pride


❑ It used to be 30 pieces of silver to sell out but now at the Olympics it is $50,000 if you win gold. The motto of “Faster, Higher, Stronger” does not include better paid and it shouldn’t. The Olympics have changed over time with some sports, Live Pigeon Shooting (1900), Rope Climbing several times in the early 1900s now gone and BMX riding, break dancing, skateboard­ing, sport climbing, and surfing there in Paris 2024. There seems to an almost desperate effort to renew interest in a competitio­n that is still popular anyway. The prize money goes against the basic premise of the games even though many countries already pay the winners. It used to be all about representi­ng your country to your best ability and as Eddie the Eagle showed you don’t have to come first to be a winner. Dennis Fitzgerald

❑ Russian players were controvers­ially allowed to play at Wimbledon 2023 as ‘neutrals’ if they refrain from expressing support for the invasion and sign statements attesting to their neutrality. Now we see Eurovision entrants grapple with diplomacy ahead of this years contest. Israel’s inclusion has fueled talk of boycotts from those who oppose the country’s actions in Gaza. Brian Linford Pontefract

❑ Us Brits have upset the Italians again by putting too many ingredient­s into a spaghetti bolognese, after they criticised us for putting pineapple on a pizza. Every nation has the right to be protective over their cuisine, but should also accept that meals can be tweaked a little bit to satisfy different palates. We would feel the same if British cuisine was altered by other countries. There are many people who say as hash browns are American, they do not belong on a Full English Breakfast. Dave Pinfold, Stockport

❑ I don’t remember seeing a dentist as a young an the first time I saw toothbrush was when I left school there was seven of us, to clean our teeth we used our fingers and soot from the chimney back and salt. I wonder why oh I know as younguns the first time we saw sweets when we left school and you could buy your own. alphaone Selby

❑ Money Talks, As much as I support the doctors and nurses 100% think about this. I need a hip replacemen­t and in a lot of pain every day, decided to go private and blow me the orthopaedi­c surgen was the same one I saw in my hospital. Asked him when he could do my operation eleven days time was my answer. So he works private and works for the NHS. State of affairs. This country has gone to the dogs and the fat cats. Mad scaff

❑ re EC, i missed the story about the wolf, and to be honest i’m glad i did, how do some human beings look themselves in the mirror, to be able to willfully cause suffering to any living creature, and do it for pleasure, and parade the poor thing for a baying mob of equalie unthinking unfeeling b ***** ds, when i was younger i worked with wolves in a local sanctuary, they are not the monsters of fairy tales, they are family orientated animals, they show high intelligen­ce high empathy, they are great hunters but that is what nature made them for and they do it to survive, its members of our own species that act like monsters. john challenger

❑ A Vietnamese businesswo­man is sentenced to death facing a firing squad for fraud. Tory MPs with various impropriet­y over years have been lucky they just face a bi election. BLP

❑ Jackabilly most of the young going in for conscripti­on would never get past the drug test these may fit but still take drugs 68% would fail a driving roadside test so that puts them out. why not make migrants under 30yrs have to do conscripti­on before allowing them citizenshi­p. Stockton jeff

 ?? ?? ■ Loved Winona Ryder in Beetlejuic­e and now she’s in the sequel. Result! Pic pls? McG
■ Loved Winona Ryder in Beetlejuic­e and now she’s in the sequel. Result! Pic pls? McG

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