Daily Star

Sunak’s got no right to lecture us hard grafters


❑ afta rishi sunak workt 20yrs dwn th coal pitz n gt lung disease, e tried 20yrs workin az a scaffolder then his disc’s collapst, i know e thort no more sik notes f me, ile marry sum1 tats gt zillions ov quids.. lol SARKYBOB

❑ sunaks nxt trick t b turning water t wine. ARFAGREEK

❑ ‘Biggles’ has announced yet another ‘new’ welfare blitz. It seems the Tories are going to force the unemployed to take up a job or work experience (A policy I’m sure they announced a few months ago. Guess they think everyone has a short memory!), end Britain’s sick note culture, slash PIP, and no doubt make the blind see and the lame walk while they’re at it. All of these are threatened if, and it’s a very big if, they’re re-elected. RedLeader

❑ Rishi says he will sort the sickies and what work you can do Not can’t. Ha ha ha. Don’t make me laugh. Oooh yeah election looming. Here in my area a lot say can’t work. On sick pay / benefits. And there healthier and just as capable as I am. But don’t want to work. So again the genuine ones suffer. Rishi sunak makes me sick All these promises make me laugh. Talks a good game don’t he. Bazza 180

❑ Busted flush Rishi Sunak intends to strip GP’s of their power to sign people off work as part of a scheme to tackle what he claims is the UK’s ‘sick note culture.’ Under this ‘back of a fag packet’ ruse, so called ‘work and health care profession­als’ will be handsomely rewarded to punish the sick and disabled by claiming they are fit to work. None of this is new of course. When the Tories are in trouble they invariably seek to attack the most vulnerable members of society. Alan Quay

❑ Very interestin­g the PM saying people are not three times sicker now than before he came into power. Why doesn’t he look at the facts and maybe speak to sick people about their struggles to get the treatment they need before passing judgement. We have one of the worst healthcare systems Rishi Sunak. Maybe more people will be able to go back to work when the healthcare system runs efficientl­y. E ❑ DISABLED people treated callously by the Tories sees the Resolution Foundation outline they will be £2800 pa worse off transferre­d to universal credit with personal independen­ce and severe disability payments phased out between now and 2028. This govt has imposed a benefits system in 1967 worth 28% of average earnings now worth only half of that. Brian Linford Pontefract

❑ Instead of going after the sick and disabled (again) why not just close our borders and look after our own. Fair enough, go after the long term layabouts who will never work, but don’t punish the genuine people who can’t work. Cumbrian Kev

❑ Rocker wilson, ed only prints pro left texts, i would never consider myself leftwing, i believe in traditiona­l british values i believe in strong borders and i know the difference between a man and a woman, plus i really like christmas being called christmas, hardly ideas supported by the left, left and right are only good for boots, when it comes to life middle of the road is better, too far to the left or the right is an extreme. john challenger

❑ Wow. Postie Phil I agree with everything you said on sat 20 th. But hey poor daily star Ed. You lot giving him a bad time. He is very fair in his editing. I only comment once on a while. And some don’t get printed. A lot do. So I think he is a fair judge however. I love the text maniacs page. A good selection. A lot I don’t agree with. Tony workshop def needs new material tho. Heard a lot of them at school. I’m 62. But good reading. Baz

❑ Todd i don’t need to go to UNIVERSITY OF LIFE, im 65 and have forgotten more than you will ever learn.

 ?? ?? ■ a picture please of the beautiful caroline catz of doc martin. darrell b heywood lancashire
■ a picture please of the beautiful caroline catz of doc martin. darrell b heywood lancashire

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