Daily Star

Grinners.. and l sers


The first expression humans learn is smiling – babies have even been spotted on ultrasound­s doing it in the womb. There are 19 different types of grins but only six smiles which happen when things are going well. The rest are painted on when we are feeling emotions including embarrassm­ent, lying and even when angry.

A pair of muscles called the zygomaticu­s major and the orbiculari­s oculi are those we use to form genuine smiles. Boffins have discovered that smiling can potentiall­y help elongate your life as they trick the brain into releasing endorphins which boost mood and immune systems, so crack ’em out. Dogs notice when humans smile and will mimic the expression by pulling back their lips and lifting their brows but it’s by wagging their tail that actually indicates when they’re smiling. The average adult smiles around 20 times a day compared to 400 times for children. While it looks like they’re smiling, when chimpanzee­s pull their lips back to show both their top and bottom teeth it’s actually a grimace of fear they show when nervous or excited. People who have naturally big smiles live longer than those who don’t, according to a 2010 study from Michigan’s Wayne State University. Deep in the prefrontal cortex area of the frontal lobes in the brain – where decision-making happens – is the orbitofron­tal cortex. It is the spot where feelings for those humans have a close relationsh­ip with are processed and activated when parents see their own babies smile but not other offspring. In 2020 a study by Orbit saw 69% admit they prefer seeing a smiling face without makeup on – as sported by Baywatch legend Pamela Anderson and singer Alicia Keys – rather than a troweled-on, slap-filled mush. Smiling is contagious, reckoned boffins at Sweden’s Uppsala University who found folk struggled to frown if faced with a grin. And smiling on the phone makes you sound friendlier.

Ex EastEnders actor Elliott Jordan played the former boyfriend who singer Lily Allen took revenge on spiking his coffee with laxatives in the video for her debut single Smile. Late actor Heath Ledger wanted a unique look for his Joker film character so the scar which goes from either side of his mouth to his ears was taken from a look that originated in Scotland. Dubbed the “Glasgow smile” it’s how gang members would scar their enemies. Love Island voiceover man Iain Stirling is on the bill for children’s charity Spread a Smile’s comedy night on May 7 at London’s Comedy Store. They help sick children in hospitals smile with treats including dog therapy.

 ?? ?? BEAMER: Heath Ledger as the Joker, with a ‘Glasgow smile’ knife scar
BEAMER: Heath Ledger as the Joker, with a ‘Glasgow smile’ knife scar
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