Daily Star

Burping an ABBA tune out loud is no Talent!


❑ ITV should be ashamed of themselves. How can talentless people be allowed to slip the net and actually appear on the show Britain’s Got Talent? Is burping really loudly a talent? And the judges need sacking for letting it through.


❑ OMG how they can still call the show Britain’s Got Talent is beyond me. As a family we have never witnessed so many appalling acts. A woman that burps like a baffoon, and an idiot wearing a fish head that refused to get off. The only half decent thing that resembled talent was the dog tricks. Plus only a small percentage of the acts are actually British. The whole show is farcicle.

Dave Cornwall

❑ Oh Britains Got Talent, did I get a kick out of you with the Taekondo team. They were out of this world, and Hollywood beckons. Chuck Norris eat your heart out. Soon the Hollywood makeup department will be applying more eyeliner than Simon Cowell has. They are potential winners.

Harry (THE FISH) Bowyer. Cambs.

❑ Let’s face it. All the saturday night tv presenters we have at the moment are moonlighti­ng from entertaini­ng at children’s holiday camps.

Joey F.

❑ Totally agree with the writer of Not The Nine O’clock News that it should be revived and brought back to our screens. I used to love it! Dave

❑ Bottom Exposed. Brilliant a wonderful tribute played fantastic by Ade and the late great Rik plus everyone involved, all Class Acts, Comedy as it should be.


❑ I went to see a medium and he started laughing at me. So gave him a clip around the ear. I love striking a happy medium.


 ?? ?? ‘FARCICAL’: Kimberly Winter
‘FARCICAL’: Kimberly Winter

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