Daily Star

Pensions up just £5 after our tax rises


❑ Can I just thank Rishi on behalf of my mam, for her £80 per month pension rise. My mam has a small pension from my recently passed father. So she now pays £75 taxes out of her £80 rise. At least it looks good on the news that pensioners are getting a decent rise. So thanks once again Rishi (Not)!! Cumbrian Kev and his Mam

❑ Having been given the welcome news of my pension increase of 6-7% my tax payable has gone up from £87 a year to a wonderful windfall for jeremy *unt, chancellor, to £253 a year. Could you put it the treasury & not in your pocket, thankyou. Laurence

❑ A via duct Arch section in Bradford is the home for rough sleepers in make shift bags ect, and two were interviewe­d.

The Authoritie­s plan to section it off to stop these poor souls having somewhere to sleep. Another example of BUGGER the British Homeless while illegals are in 4-5 hotels. You poor people are on the wrong side of the English Channel, perhaps a exodus to Calai and a Boat trip across the Channel to Dover would have you in nice comfortabl­e Hotel accommodat­ion. Britain gone INSANE come to mind. TOD

❑ It’s to be hoped MP Chris Philp’s never put in charge of the Rwanda scheme. If his inability to differenti­ate between the Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo is any indication, he’d have all the migrants booked on one way flights to Romford. RedLeader

❑ Watchin tory mp Chris Philp on Laura K. Must think voters r mugs regarding state of NHS. ANGST

❑ There is nothing wrong with assisted death. Who the hell wants to live in agony if Medic’s can’t help. Take no notice of M.P. Danny Kruger, and die with no pain. EBG

❑ BREXIT ‘the elephant in the room’ sees border controls postponed 5 times finally coming into force next week fueling inflation adding 3bn to the cost of importing bills driving overseas suppliers away. Adding £8pm to the cost of the average family food bills businesses too see new checks cost up to 2.9bn with some paying tens of thousands of pounds ‘a slow death for the supply chain.’ BREXIT controls are just not working 4yrs years later. Brian Linford Pontefract ❑ ‘Brian Linford’ nothing farcical in mp’s knock on doors. Local elections coming on thursday and i have not seen nor heard from any candidate hopeing for my vote. If they can’t be bothered to even put a leaflet through my door i wont be bothered to vote. Little Ern

❑ When I was young and I misbehaved, I knew I would get a leathering with my mother’s thick belt. It certainly kept me in line. At school if I stepped out of line it was a thick leather belt split into two tails at one end that was called a Tawse and we got that on our hands. It didn’t do us any harm and I really do feel the reason for many of society’s problems is simply lack of discipline. Janet Tracy

❑ Strange how killers have enough intelligen­ce to plead guilty to manslaught­er than for demonished resposibil­ity, rather than to being sentenced to life for murder, not consudered thier lying judges have you. Lawman

Like Sharon Osbourne, I have shrunk 2” in height. All my life I wanted to be shorter but, now that I am, I hate having to stand on tiptoe to reach things. As the saying goes “be careful what you wish for”. HAZ

❑ Dr’s recommend two Viagra - that’s 100 mg. for a prostate problem but why then, should it cost twelve quid for a bonk? Anonymous

❑ i went to a garage to buy an E type Jaguar. They refused me, said my whatsit was too big. John Ledbury

❑ Currently gender neutral London Zoo vulture chick should be named Morgan, Vivian, Jordan etc, not a clearly blokey name like Rupert. SonnyBoy

 ?? AMOROUS ANN ?? ■ Let’s have a pic of Natalie Pinkham.
AMOROUS ANN ■ Let’s have a pic of Natalie Pinkham.

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