Daily Star

Time for unelected PM to hold a national ballot


❑ What happened to the Tory Government and there promises when they were elected in 2019 by Boris Johnson? They said they was going to: fix social care, improve the digital and physical infrastruc­ture, delivering world class public services and not to raise the main three taxes or borrow to fund day to day spending. The only Rishi “chuckle brother” Sunak can win the power of the election is deliver on the promises, which we didn’t even get a decision on electing him in. Stop reckoning our county and start fixing it and stop flying everywhere. Or call an Election. Squirrel

❑ Wen r mp’s goin 2 do sumthin bout knife/gun crime??? IS THIS TOO SIMPLE ???? Caught wi knife/gun, in fact any lethal weapon, minimum 15 yrs AND ure name WILL b made public no matter wot age!!! Kill sum1 with a lethal weapon, u will NEVER b released from prison no matter wot age even if it means 70/80 wotever yrs AND ure name will b made public!!! Surely nobody can argue against this. Bantaman

❑ So the local and mayoral elections have been held. Note the word LOCAL. All the knife crimes all over, kids been stabbed. Cost of living, unemployme­nt and all certain areas can talk about is what’s happening thousands of miles away in Gaza. Racist or what? Yorkie bri.

❑ I wish there were local elections every week all we see on the news is all about elections there are no stabbings no protests people just generally behave themselves brilliant. alphaone Selby

❑ When you think it couldn’t get any WORSE London votes Sadiq Khan in again for a third term

as Mayor. So it looks like the Electorate like his pick your pocket ULEZ scheme. Knife crime and drug dealing out of control and yet they give this odious man more power to do Sod all to make London a safe environmen­t for its citizens. TOD

❑ I hope the people of London will now stop whining about ULEZ and crime after their stupidity of voting Khan back in. you now get what you deserve. Duncan Manchester

❑ If ANDY STREET had ‘shown a pair’ re HS2 Tory cancellati­on he’d have been in with only a 1000 votes difference rightly or wrongly. If I was in London re SADIQ KHAN once described as a ‘self serving preening nonentity’ I’d be very concerned re knife crime and £12.50 ULEZ. The message is he can perform under industriou­sly and ‘we’ll still vote you in’ for a third term. Forgetting politics it’s about personal qualities standing up to ADVERSITY HS2 / CRIME. Brian Linford Pontefract ❑ four more years of khan. Never thought London was full of idiots. TEDG ❑ The tax cut we need is a rise in the Personal Allowance. I have read the Manifesto of the UK Independen­ce Party and having looked at the rest it is by far the best. LJS. Leamington Spa

❑ I have not text textpage of late for some time? Maybe I’m still celebratin­g my 81st birthday born in the middle of a world war 10-1-1943, regardless of the vicious rumour around here that I started it? and thankfully lucky to be still alive and enjoying life. I thought I must come out of my temporary retirement on T\ P and congratula­te fellow texter John Challenger on his latest text best ever John and so true. Up the decent working men and women of our country I will toast a drink to them and long live textpage. Bazboy

❑ Ginny P: It’s not “teaching violence”. It’s a well tried and tested method that worked for many previous generation­s with proven discipline and respect. Maybe you were lucky to have not had a smacked a##e, but even you cannot deny that no smacking has resulted in no respect and ill behaved brats. Bedford Boy

❑ anon: u slag King Charles for being back at work after cancer recovery u low life. That’s why you’re anon. Dougie

 ?? ??
 ?? Graham Burton Uttoxeter ?? Can you please print a picture of Zoe Henry from Emmerdale.
Graham Burton Uttoxeter Can you please print a picture of Zoe Henry from Emmerdale.

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