Daily Star

It’s fall over!



GRAVE ERROR: Samen Kondorura, 40, was killed by his own mother’s coffin in 2018. It fell from a funeral tower after pallbearer­s on a bamboo ladder lost their footing and the casket came crashing down.

METEOR MAKER: On August 10, 1888, a meteor shower rained down on a mountain village near Sulaymaniy­ah in Iraq, killing a man, echoing a monk’s death in Italy in 1511. In 2016 it was claimed an Indian bus driver had perished after being hit by a piece of space rock too.

MOWED DOWN: During halftime at an American football game in New York in December 1979, a 40lb model aeroplane, shaped like a lawnmower, crashed into the stands, killing 20-year-old spectator John Bowen. It is said the victim “looked like he’d been attacked by an axe”.

FLUSHED AWAY: In the run up to the World Cup in Brazil in 2014, football hooligans at a stadium in the city of Recife ripped out toilets and threw them on to rival fans in the street below, sadly killing one man instantly.

COCO NUTTED: Back in 2012 Jose Abelino Ramirez, 69, was sitting in a rocking chair beneath a palm tree in the Colombian town of Melgar, when a coconut fell, causing fatal brain injuries.

BLEATING UNLUCKY: Turkish lad Havel Yildirim, 13, died in 2014 when a goat jumped off a building and fell six floors on to him in Diyarbakir. His father had put it on the roof as there wasn’t room in their flat.

PAW PAIR: Two people in a car travelling along a rural road in

Quebec, Canada, were killed in 2011 when a bear came flying through the air and smashed the windscreen. The animal, which also died, became airborne after being hit by a car in front of them. DOG GONE: Marta Espina, 75, was walking along a street in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on October 21, 1988, when she was hit in the head by a dog and died. The unfortunat­e mutt, a poodle called Cachi, also perished after falling 13 storeys from a balcony. SHORT END: Delivery man Gary Anderson, 58, was killed in 2014 when a tape measure slipped off a workman’s belt at a building site in Jersey City, US, and fell 50 storeys, hitting him on the head. CHILLING TALE: In 1994, Donald Booth, 49, was waiting for a cab among the skyscraper­s of Chicago in the US when a huge icicle fell off a nearby building and plummeted down, crushing his skull and spinal column.

EX SPIRED: In the same city 20 years later, 34-year-old Sarah Bean was walking to lunch. She was passing a church when a stone gargoyle statue fell off the structure and fatally hit her on the head.

 ?? ?? ★ SPACE junk could fall from the heavens and kill us, according to a top boffin, as we reported yesterday.
The odds of satellite parts hitting someone on Earth are plummeting – but stranger things have happened. ★ Here JAMES MOORE gives you a heads-up on other freaky things to have fallen from the sky with fatal consequenc­es. ■
DANGER ZONE: Satellite junk. Below, coconut and Samen killed by his mum’s coffin
★ SPACE junk could fall from the heavens and kill us, according to a top boffin, as we reported yesterday. The odds of satellite parts hitting someone on Earth are plummeting – but stranger things have happened. ★ Here JAMES MOORE gives you a heads-up on other freaky things to have fallen from the sky with fatal consequenc­es. ■ DANGER ZONE: Satellite junk. Below, coconut and Samen killed by his mum’s coffin
 ?? ??

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