Derby Telegraph

Yob in balaclava drags teen from McDonald’s to rob him



Ian Morley A TEENAGER who was violently robbed in an alley after being dragged from McDonald’s has been praised by a judge for his bravery.

John Lee threatened to target the family of his 16-year-old victim if he told anyone about the mugging, Derby Crown Court heard.

However, the teenager immediatel­y reported the robbery to police and Lee was arrested.

Lee had grabbed his victim from the fast-food restaurant before hauling him outside where he said to the teen “give me everything, I’ve been to prison, I don’t care”.

The balaclava-clad 18-year-old then took an iPhone and made him remove his jacket, which he also stole. But the mugger was recognised by the victim and arrested nearby after the teenager called 999.

Sending Lee to a young offenders’ institutio­n for 32 months, Judge Shaun Smith QC said: “You are only 18 but already, as you told the victim yourself, you have been in prison – and have been in prison for some pretty serious offences.

“On December 10, you committed a pretty nasty offence against a young man. You grabbed him and pulled him out of a McDonald’s, he was trying to stop you – but you persisted.

“You patted him down and told him to give you everything he had got and he tried to put you off by saying he didn’t have anything.

“But you searched him and took his phone and some expensive clothes. You then told him not to tell anyone because, if he did, you would come for him and his family. But he did tell someone because he is braver than you.”

Sarah Slater, prosecutin­g, said the robbery took place at around 9.30pm on December 10. She said the victim was with friends in a McDonald’s restaurant when Lee appeared. Miss Slater said after the robbery Lee said to the victim “don’t tell anyone or I will come for you and your family”.

She said the victim went home and reported the robbery to police before returning to the scene, where he saw Lee, of Broach Road, Sandy Lane, Stourport-on-Severn, Worcesters­hire. Police arrested him nearby, inside a car he was uninsured to drive, and found him in possession of a small amount of cannabis.

The offence took place in Chesterfie­ld town centre and Lee pleaded guilty to robbery, possessing cannabis and driving without insurance. His previous offences include house burglaries.

Kevin Tomlinson, for Lee, said his client had been released from his last prison term in October and had moved back to Worcesters­hire to live with his mother and siblings.

At the time of the robbery, he had come back to Chesterfie­ld, where his family had previously lived.

Mr Tomlinson said: “He has a poor record for someone of his age and he fully expects a long, custodial sentence.”

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