Derby Telegraph

Mindfulnes­s for children: Three easy exercises to help kids slow down

LIZ CONNOR speaks to teacher and author Uz Afzal about simple strategies to help little people harness a greater sense of calm and appreciati­on


MINDFULNES­S is a word that seems to be everywhere. From calm-boosting apps to anti-stress colouring books, slowing down and appreciati­ng the ‘now’ has never been more popular.

But while most of us know by now how beneficial embracing relaxation techniques can be for adults, what about children?

Researcher­s have found that mindfulnes­s can have positive effects for youngsters too. One 2015 study found that school children aged 10 and 11 who participat­ed in a short meditation program showed improvemen­ts in cognitive control, working memory and cognitive flexibilit­y, as well as achieving better academic results.

Research published in the Mindfulnes­s journal also found improvemen­ts in mathematic­s grades in children with ADHD, while a study of primary school children in Korea found that just eight weeks of mindfulnes­s lowered levels of aggression, social anxiety and stress.

A number of schools across the UK have already started adding the practice to the curriculum.

Mindfulnes­s is a type of meditation where you shift your awareness to focus on what you’re sensing and feeling in that moment. Practising mindfulnes­s can involve breathing methods, guided imagery, and other techniques to help relax the body and mind and help reduce stress responses. It’s not about ‘switching off’, but bringing your awareness into the present.

“I’ve been a teacher for 20 years and have witnessed first-hand increasing stress levels among children,” says

Uz Afzal, a UK primary school teacher who has written a new book on the topic, called Mindfulnes­s For Children.

Uz believes that with increased use of smart phones, tablets, gaming and social media, there’s pressure on children that didn’t exist 10 years ago.

“Living in a fast-paced ‘swiping’ culture means children can find it hard to stop and be still,” she says.

“The anxiety that children feel before exams can prevent them from performing well too,” adds Uz, who has witnessed how building a regular mindfulnes­s practice can help to keep exam jitters under control. “Practising mindfulnes­s before a test can help children to calm down, to focus and to access their higher order thinking skills and their learning memories.”

Here, she outlines three simple exercises parents can use to help children have a sense of control over their lives, thoughts and feelings...


“THIS is a really helpful practice that your child can use at any time of the day to calm down and to focus,” says Uz.

Ask your child to place their hands on their abdomen. “Tell them to imagine that they have a small balloon in their belly and that each time they breathe in, the balloon blows up, and each time they breathe out, the balloon deflates.”

Uz says your child should feel their belly rising and falling as the balloon blows up and deflates. “As they breathe in, they can say to themselves in their head, ‘Blow up balloon’, and as they breathe out, they can say, ‘Let all the air out’. “Perhaps they can picture the balloon blowing up and deflating with each in and out breath.”

You should continue this for about 30 seconds to three minutes, depending on the age and attention span of your child.


WHEN it comes to mealtimes, it can often be a race to eat as fast as possible, to the point that we often barely register the process. This exercise, Uz says, is great for instilling a sense of appreciati­on in your child.

“Choose a piece of food to share with your child,” she instructs, noting that fruit or dried fruit works well. “Now we’re going to pretend to be scientists. Take a moment to investigat­e what your food looks like. What colour is it? What shape is it? What else can you notice about the way your food looks?

“Next, let’s use our imaginary microscope. Looking really closely, can you see any patterns or lines?”

You should also both explore the texture of your food by looking at your food or touching it. “Take a piece of this food and hold it under your nose,” says Uz. “Take a deep breath in. How does it smell?”

Next, put the food on your tongue and use your scientist’s taste buds to explore further. “How does it feel in your mouth? Notice the shape and texture. Does it taste of anything?”

At this point, you can slowly begin to chew your food, all the time noticing how the taste, shape and texture are all changing. Uz says you should keep your child engaged, exploring their plate in this way until all of the food is finished.


“THIS next practice is a lot of fun. It helps your child to notice what they have to be grateful for, wherever they are,” says Uz.

“Tell them to take a moment to be still and focus on the breath in their belly. Now ask them to look around the space you are in.

“Wherever you are, can they look around themselves with a grateful gaze? Can they name each of the things they can see that they’re grateful for?”

When practising mindfulnes­s, Uz says to remember to have fun and keep it breezy – the idea is that your child enjoys spending time slowing down and doesn’t view mindfulnes­s as another thing to worry about on their to-do list.

Doing these exercises together can be a great bonding experience and of course, the calming techniques are also beneficial for adults, helping to ease the stress of day-to-day life.

■ Mindfulnes­s For Children by Uz Afzal is published by Kyle Books, priced £14.99. Available now. (octopusboo­

 ??  ?? Try eating like a scientist to help children focus on their food
Try eating like a scientist to help children focus on their food
 ??  ?? Uz Afzal is a primary school teacher and author of Mindfulnes­s for Children
Uz Afzal is a primary school teacher and author of Mindfulnes­s for Children

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