Derby Telegraph

Show some respect



PATIENTS and visitors at Royal Derby Hospital have been urged to stop smoking outside the cancer ward.

A man who has been visiting his dad there for a month said it was “disrespect­ful and unfair” that people stand outside the oncology ward entrance with their cigarettes – right next to a sign asking them not to smoke.

It must be horrendous for those being treated to have to walk through the haze of tobacco and vape smoke.

A DERBY man has criticised patients and visitors for smoking outside the cancer ward at the Royal Derby Hospital.

The man, who did not wish to be named, has been visiting his dad in hospital for the past month and noticed people ignoring signs and smoking outside the oncology ward entrance.

He said he became increasing­ly frustrated with smokers who were stood in front of signs which said: “I’m coming here for my chemothera­py. I shouldn’t have to breathe in your smoke.”

The 46-year-old said: “I find it incredible people can ignore those signs. There are a constant stream of people smoking just outside the doors. It’s disrespect­ful and unfair.

“If they are well enough to stand outside the ward they should be well enough to walk outside of hospital grounds to smoke. It’s just a lack of empathy.

“I sympathise with the hospital because it must be a hell of a thing to police, but they’re clearly not doing enough.”

A University Hospitals of Derby and Burton spokespers­on said smoking is not permitted within the Trust’s grounds at any time.

The man said he had witnessed patients and their visitors smoking outside the ward. He said: “It’s bad enough for those who are not affected by cancer visiting the hospital but it must be horrendous for those being treated to have to walk through the haze of tobacco and vape smoke while going for treatment.

“I used to smoke myself but I wouldn’t do that. Just behind the wall, there is a Macmillan garden where people can go and sit. It’s not right, especially at the cancer ward entrance.

“Last week my mum was waiting to be picked up outside and she couldn’t stop coughing because of all the smoke.”

He added that he had also seen nurses standing with vulnerable patients while they smoke outside the entrance. The spokespers­on at the hospital said: “We are committed to creating a healthier place for our patients, visitors and staff and our ‘Think Again’ campaign urges our patients and visitors to keep our hospital grounds smoke free.

“Smoking is not permitted within our Trust at any time and we would ask anyone that smokes to please be considerat­e of those visiting our hospitals for treatment by not doing so within our hospital grounds.”

 ??  ?? People smoking outside the oncology ward doors at Royal Derby Hospital
People smoking outside the oncology ward doors at Royal Derby Hospital
 ??  ?? Large signs haven’t deterred patients and visitors from smoking, below
Large signs haven’t deterred patients and visitors from smoking, below
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