Derby Telegraph

‘There’s a bin right next to that sign with a built-in ash tray’


HERE are what some readers who commented on our website thought of the issue:

■“Derby”: “It can’t be helping matters that there’s a bin right next to that sign with a built-in ash tray.”

■“Sara71”: “I went with my dad a while ago for his radiothera­py sessions, the smokers were all out there smoking. None of us smoke...”

■“Spg76”: “I was visiting someone from ICU and I could smell the smoke all the way down the corridor from the cancer ward. And I wonder why they are in the cancer ward in the first place.”

■“Elizabull1­508: “Unfortunat­ely, so many of the patients receiving treatment are smokers who can’t free themselves from their addiction.”

■“Pompei”: “I recently visited the hospital with my 10-year-old daughter (with type 1 diabetes). Woman standing by the no smoking sign puffing away. Everyone’s air being polluted. I asked her if she had seen the sign. ‘Oops, sorry,’ she said. Smoking should be banned from the site, instead of this blind eye to the behaviour.” ■“Jedimaster­1982”: “Maybe if there was a designated safe area within the grounds to direct patients and visitors to they wouldn’t hang around outside entrances.”

■ “Kaka1980: “What the hospital should do is replace the bins that have an ash tray on the top to stub out the cigarettes in the first place so there’s no confusion.”

■But “borisfan” said: “You moan about cigarette smoke yet say nothing about the hospital being built next to several major roads. This is one of the most polluted areas of Derby and a few cigarettes will make no difference to the already high levels of pollution, however, the cars that drive there do make a difference, as does the fact that people queue to get in car parks, and drive around the perimeter of the hospital to reach them.

“Until cars are banned from the entire site you are nothing but ignorant hypocrites.”

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