Derby Telegraph

Get your two wheels working for you



THIS summer could be the perfect time to get on your bike – you could lose weight, boost your fitness and save money. The coronaviru­s pandemic has prompted a 200% rise in the number of people taking advantage of cycle-to-work schemes to get discounted bicycles, while Brompton, the UK’s largest bike manufactur­er, has seen online sales increase fivefold since the start of April.

Paul Tomlinson, cycling director at Halfords, says: “With public transport heavily reduced and social distancing measures likely to stay in place for some time, cycling is the obvious answer.

“And with talk of a huge increase in cycling lanes, and fewer cars and buses on the roads, it’s safer than ever.”

As far as health is concerned, cycling is a mainly aerobic activity – meaning your heart, blood vessels and lungs all get a good workout.

You will breathe more deeply, perspire and raise your body temperatur­e, which will improve your overall fitness level.

The health benefits of regular cycling also bring improved joint mobility and a lowering of stress levels.

Here, Andy Wadsworth, elite cycling trainer with specialist bike advice experts, explains how to get your wheels working for you.


YOUR muscles take time to adapt to any new regime, and if you overdo it you can suffer joint problems, a bad back and a range of other ailments.

Try incorporat­ing short rides into your daily routine, mixed with occasional longer ones, taking in some hills when you can to push yourself.

And don’t forget some simple stretches after each outing.

For a simple eight-week couch-to30-mile training plan, see­ng-guide


WHETHER you prefer a water bottle or a hydration backpack, make sure you pack some fluid whenever you’re heading out.

And to avoid the dreaded “bonk”, where your body runs out of fuel and you grind to a painful halt, carry some energy gels, cereal bars or a banana.

Finish longer rides with a recovery drink: 300ml milk, one banana, a tablespoon of peanut butter and some honey, all whizzed up in a blender.


UNLESS you’re riding a “fixie” (one gear, no freeriding potential), gears are your friend.

Try to maintain a high, regular pedalling “cadence” – how often your legs make a single revolution.

You should be aiming for 70-90 per minute, or three every two seconds.

If you’re grinding too hard a gear, your cadence will drop and power output will tail off.

For big hills, shift into a low (easy) gear as you approach, just before you start to struggle. Avoid “cross chaining” – if you’re in the largest chain ring, don’t run it with the largest cassette cog (or, smallest chain ring and smallest cog).

This stretches the chain and puts extra stress on the system.


THE front brake is much more effective at stopping you than the rear but be careful not to lock up by hitting it too hard and sudden.

Modern brakes are powerful, and you don’t want to skid or go over the handlebars, so apply the rear brake a split second before the front.

Try to achieve 60/40 or 70/30 pulling power distributi­on between front and rear brakes.

When cornering, ensure your outside pedal is at the lowest position, with pressure being placed on it. This will give more grip, particular­ly in the wet.


WEAR a helmet. Head injuries are behind 60% of cycling deaths, so consider it cheap life insurance.

It’s easy to find a comfy, light and affordable one – while also meeting safety standards.


IMAGINE driving a car with no windscreen… Get some cycling sunglasses. They protect your eyes from bugs, stones, sun and rain, and make you safer too. Some have interchang­eable lenses so, if you can, get one lens for bright conditions and one for dull, wet days.


BIKE maintenanc­e isn’t a phrase that should frighten you. Once you know the basics it’s pretty simple (although it’s handy having a friendly bike shop nearby too).

Be sure to clean and oil your chain regularly, particular­ly if you ride in bad weather. You’ll eliminate the dreaded creak cyclists hate, and more expensive parts like chain-rings will wear out less quickly.

Check your tyre pressure for every ride so you get maximum grip and efficiency.

Invest in a “track pump” with a pressure gauge – they require less effort.


CLEAN your bike often with hot soapy water and a sponge.

Use specialist degreaser for the drivetrain (cassette, chain, crankset and so on).

Then, stop mud and dirt sticking by spraying the bike all over with a silicone aerosol – but avoiding the braking surfaces.


LEARNING how to fix a puncture quickly will reap dividends.

Always carry a repair kit (including tyre levers, patches or a new inner tube, and a small pump).

For how-to guides, gen up with online videos at­e

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Stay hydrated while out and about on your bike
It’s very important to protect your eyes while out cycling
Le Col x Wahoo Indoor Training Jersey – Collective Edition, £120, Stay hydrated while out and about on your bike It’s very important to protect your eyes while out cycling
 ??  ?? Use a special degreaser for the drivetrain
Use a special degreaser for the drivetrain
 ??  ?? Specialize­d Align W/MIPS Helmet, £45, Specialize­dconceptst­
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