Derby Telegraph

Abandoned as babies... now looking for answers


FROM the story of a baby boy found in a corned beef box to a baby girl abandoned in a public toilet, you’ll cry buckets watching this hard-hitting instalment of this hit show.

Davina McCall and Nicky Campbell host the foundling special, helping people abandoned as babies to discover their identities.

“The most fundamenta­l aspects of their lives are missing,” says Davina.

“Born without trace, they’ve had no way to unlock the secrets of their past.”

Simon Jeffery was found in October 1963 in a wooden corned beef box outside the Railway Tavern pub in Greenhithe, Kent.

He says: “I was found with two tins of corned beef in a babygrow, left outside the ladies’ toilets. There was a ladies’ darts match that night so I imagine it was quite packed, so she knew someone would find me pretty soon.”

Simon was found and eventually adopted. When he was 10 he discovered the truth after finding his adoptive parents’ newspaper cuttings.

“It was a bit of a shock. It feels like you’d been discarded.”

Elsewhere, we hear the story of Fi Beazer, who was found wrapped in a pink blanket in a ladies’ toilet in Warminster.

She wouldn’t have survived the night, but someone heard her cries and she was saved. Fi says: “When I discovered that I was a foundling, it was just awful. I felt my life was completely out of control because I didn’t know how to solve this mystery.”

Long Lost Family is all set to crack the puzzle, but for both Simon and Fi the results are complicate­d.

 ??  ?? Fi Beazer with Long Lost Family host Davina McCall
Fi Beazer with Long Lost Family host Davina McCall
 ??  ?? Davina and Simon
Davina and Simon

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