Derby Telegraph

Paedophile told police he tried to help them catch others



A YOUNG paedophile who was found viewing sick child abuse images in Liverpool moved to his grandparen­ts’ house in Derby – and carried on doing exactly the same.

Derby Crown Court heard that Justin Philips had hideous images and movies, including one where a voice could be heard ordering a young victim to carry out sex acts on an adult.

Philips, 21, claimed when he was arrested he was only part of an internet group of like-minded perverts so he could pass on their details to the police. But neither they, the prosecutio­n, nor a judge believed him.

Philips also said he had lost the Samsung mobile phone which he said he used most frequently online.

And he told officers he could not remember the password to a Russian cloud account where the prosecutio­n said more vile photograph­s and films might be stored.

Recorder William Harbage QC, jailing him for 16 months, Recorder William Harbage QC said: “Matters came to light when police attended your grandparen­ts’ home in Derby after receiving informatio­n that indecent images of children were being downloaded. They were told you had gone to your mother’s address in Shropshire and that was where you were arrested and a number of items seized.

“There were indecent images of all three categories and prohibited images.

You made some admissions in interview but, worryingly, the device you say was your main access to the internet, was not recovered.

“You denied getting any sexual gratificat­ion from these images and claimed you were collecting informatio­n about other members of the (image sharing) internet user group. This was the excuse you used in Liverpool – the prosecutio­n don’t accept that and neither do I.”

Philips, now of North Street, Heanor, pleaded guilty to making indecent images of children and for breaching a sexual harm prevention order.

William Bennett, mitigating, said his client admitted the images were “depraved and disgusting”.

He said: “He has already been subjected to some unpleasant­ness at the hands of his neighbours at the address where he lives.”

As well as the jail term, Philips was handed a fresh 10-year sexual harm prevention order and will be on the sex offender register for 10 years.

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Justin Philips

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