Derby Telegraph

‘I promised my Craig we’d get some justice ...but we’ve been let down’



THE devastated father of a dad-offour who was stabbed to death in Derbyshire has slammed what he claims is a lenient sentence handed to the woman who killed his son.

Dillwyn Morse said he will never be able to forgive Tonia Crabtree for cruelly ending the life of Craig Morse and described her jail term as “an insult”.

The 33-year died after being stabbed during a drunken argument in Langley Mill in the early hours of April 3.

Derby Crown Court this week heard how Mr Morse, having hit the woman, was then trying to stop 29-year-old mum Crabtree from self-harming when she plunged a kitchen knife into his heart.

On Wednesday, she was sentenced to four years and nine months after pleading guilty to manslaught­er. She may only serve around half of that sentence.

Mr Morse’s father, a 56-year-old father-of-seven, said: “The sentencing meant everything to us. We thought she’d get life for murder, not be out in a few years for manslaught­er. We thought that the judge was going to hammer her.

“We hoped it would bring closure but we can’t carry on with our lives knowing we’ve let Craig down.

“I promised my son when we buried him that we would get justice but we’ve failed. We are devastated, it was like the funeral all over again. I’m in pieces.

“We were told she would get seven or eight years. It’s just an insult. Is that all my son is worth? We can’t believe it.”

The hearing was told how Mr Morse and Crabtree had been in a

Police at the scene in Langley Mill and above, how the Derby Telegraph reported Crabtree’s sentencing at Derby Crown Court on Thursday’s front page

relationsh­ip for around a year. Both were originally from Stoke and she had moved to Langley Mill to “get away from him” but he followed her.

After drinking heavily into the early hours of April 2 the couple began arguing and she grabbed a knife from a block in the kitchen of

her Frost Avenue property.

Knowing she had a history of selfharmin­g Mr Morse tried to wrestle it from her and it was then she stabbed him once in the chest, the blade of the weapon puncturing his heart.

Immediatel­y after she did so he clung on to her, told her he loved her, collapsed and died.

His father Dillwyn Morse, of Leek, said: “I have had to tell my four little grandchild­ren that ‘daddy’s been hurt so badly that he won’t be com

ing home’. It was so, so difficult. How is this justice? She’ll be out on the streets again in a year or so and God forbid she ever does it again. I’m frightened that another family will have to go through what we have. She’s pure evil. My hatred for her is all consuming.

“It’s cut the heart out of our family. Our souls have been destroyed. I don’t know how I’m going to pick up the shattered pieces of my family. We have been let down immensely. It’s unforgivab­le.

“It’s going to take years for us to recover. We are looking at if there’s a way of challengin­g the sentence.

“Not one good thing was said about him in court. They’ve destroyed the lad’s character. He would have done anything for anybody. He’d give his last £1 to a beggar.

“I’ve found out so much more since he died. I’ve had 3,500 message from people saying what a good lad he was and how he helped them.

“He didn’t care if he didn’t have no money so long as he had his children. He was a beautiful soul.

“He’d go into a pub with no money but someone would soon buy him a drink because he was that well-liked. He was a cheeky chappy.

“Because he was deaf, he spoke with such a loud voice, you always knew when Craig was in the room.

“My last memory is going out for a meal with him in Newcastle with the kids. He was so happy. He gave me a big hug and then I haven’t seen him since. Little did I know that I would have to identify him through a photo because of covid.

“My 15-month-old only ever got to meet his brother once and that hurts me so much.

“I was a dad of seven but now I’m a dad of six because of that evil woman. He had so much more to give. She hasn’t even said sorry for what she’s done. She has no decency.

“Because she’s a woman she’s got away with it. She played the victim.”

We are devastated, it was like the funeral all over again. I’m in pieces.

Dillwyn Morse

 ??  ?? Knife victim Craig Morse
Knife victim Craig Morse

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