Derby Telegraph

Drunken woman shouted about Covid then coughed in nurse’s face


A WOMAN grabbed the neck of a nurse at Royal Derby Hospital and coughed in her face during the Covid-19 lockdown, a court heard.

Drunken Yvonne Millband became irate when she wandered into A&E from another ward she was being kept in.

The 59-year-old shouted at other people there, telling them they were going to die from coronaviru­s.

When a nurse tried to stop her incessant yelling, Millband grabbed her by the throat and coughed in her face.

Millband, of Bangor Street, Chaddesden, was given a suspended jail sentence after she admitted assaulting an emergency worker and using threatenin­g or abusive words or behaviour.

Peter Bettany, prosecutin­g, said: “The complainan­t in this case is an A&E nurse at Royal Derby Hospital. Just after midnight on March 23, in the majors department the defendant came into the ward. The defendant was a patient and she began shouting things about Covid.

“She was shouting that people were going to die from coronaviru­s. She was being very loud and the people in the ward were worried about it.”

Witnesses heard her say: “I can cough, spit and **** all over you if I want,” Southern Derbyshire Magistrate­s’ Court heard.

Mr Bettany said: “Then she walked to the doctor bay and started shouting at doctors there. The complainan­t asked her to be quiet and that’s when the defendant coughed in her face and put her hand on her neck.

“Other staff members intervened and managed to get her back into the ward she came from.”

Mr Bettany said the incident left the nurse feeling shocked and upset. In a victim impact statement, she said: “She came into hospital because she was ill and expects to be treated, and then behaves in this manner.

“I work hard, and I do not deserve to be treated this way.”

In a police interview, Millband said she had been drinking the night before but did not remember anything of the incident.

The court heard how she had no previous similar conviction­s.

Andy Oldroyd, defending, said: “I can say little to detract from the serious nature of this case. She is a lady who lives for her children and grandchild­ren. She has long-term issues with alcohol and she has since rid herself of it.

“She said she was mortified at what she did and the effect that it would have had on the lady. She is disgusted with herself.”

Magistrate­s handed Millband 12 weeks’ jail, suspended for a year. She must also complete 15 rehabilita­tion days and pay £200 in compensati­on.

The chair of the bench said: “It is an extremely serious offence and it is an awful time to have done what you have done, but because of your mitigation we will take that into considerat­ion.”

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