Derby Telegraph

Metal detectoris­ts’ coins from millennium ago could


TWO teenage metal detectoris­ts were stunned to dig up coins dating back nearly 1,000 years – and now they could sell for thousands.

Reece Pickering, of Great Yarmouth, was only 16 when he discovered ancient treasure beneath his feet while metal detecting with his dad, Jonny Crowe, at Topcroft, a village in Norfolk in August.

To their amazement, Reece uncovered a Harold II silver penny, a Saxon coin dating back to 1066, the year of the Battle of Hastings. It’s due to be sold at Hansons’ two-day Historica Auction next week, with a guide price of £2,500-£3,000.

Jonny, a 41-year-old welder, said: “The coin has been recorded with The Fitzwillia­m Museum in Cambridge. It’s the only one of its kind known to exist It’s worth around £3,000 but could sell for more.

“The day Reece found it we were out metal detecting in a couple of farmer’s fields. We’d only come across rubbish. The next minute I heard Reece shouting and waving from the other side of the field. I went over and there he was with his find. He kicked the dirt away, picked up the coin and gave it a wipe. We knew it was special.

“We put it up for ID and it turned out to be a rare Cambridge mint Harold II penny. Reece has just turned 17 but he was only 16 when he found it. He’s been metal detecting for a couple of years. In fact he introduced me to the hobby. He loves his history.”

Reece, a catering apprentice who goes metal detecting most weekends, said: “It was pretty special to find. I wasn’t expecting to come across such a scarce and remarkable coin. It’s a day I will remember forever. You just never know what’s beneath your feet.”

Harold II, the last crowned AngloSaxon king of England, died at the Battle of Hastings on October 14, 1066, while fighting the Norman invaders led by William the Conqueror during the Norman conquest. His death marked the end of Anglo-Saxon rule over England.

While Reece was celebratin­g his find, fellow keen metal detectoris­t Walter Taylor, 16, who lives near Ongar in Essex, was about to make an equally impressive discovery - a silver Henry I penny dating back to 1106, making it 914 years old.

“I found it on September 9 in a farmer’s field in South Essex,” said Walter, who was 15 at the time. “I’d been out metal detecting with my dad and uncle for about for four hours when I found it. I was constantly digging hot rock (mineralise­d rock) but finding nothing. Then the register on my detector rose from 26 to 76.

“The coin was buried about four inches deep in the ground. I thought it was a silver penny but when I swiped the mud off it, I saw a face staring at me. I knew it could be a good one and sent the picture to an expert. It’s really rare. I’ve been metal detecting since I was four and this is my biggest find.”

The coin depicts Henry I pointing at a comet. Coincident­ally, the Neowise comet was travelling through our skies when Walter found it. The Normans were fascinated by the stars so astronomic­al symbols feature on coins. The penny was struck after a victory at Tinchebrai, Normandy, in 1106. The battle was

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