Derby Telegraph

Lessons for life


‘MY mum says it’s the best days of your life, but I don’t believe it!” Jacob is a Year 7 pupil at Harrop Fold School in Greater Manchester, and his disruptive behaviour is proving a bit challengin­g.

He looks like butter wouldn’t melt – and does want to make his mum proud – but he can’t help himself in his Spanish class when he thinks he knows a Spanish swear word.

“I’ve got to get my head down,” admits Jacob, who is struggling with dyslexia.

This is the return of the brilliant series that gives viewers a moving, funny and dramatic insight into modern schooling in Britain.

There’s plenty going on, with headteache­r Mr Povey and his staff facing the gargantuan task of keeping around 900 kids in line.

The school receives a phone call from a member of the public who reports seeing one of the students carrying a knife.

It results in bag searches and when the culprit is found, the teachers are shocked.

Meanwhile, with fizzy drinks and sweets banned at school, a lucrative black market has emerged with kids battling to be the biggest seller on site.

Staff try to crack down on the pupils who seem to be running the show, with backpacks stuffed with contraband chocolate bars.

Elsewhere, Year 9 Katelyn is desperate to become a midwife but keeps bunking off lessons.

Mr Povey worries that if she doesn’t knuckle down she will end up missing out on her dream.

Surprising, engaging and often emotional, this series remains a wonderful watch.

 ??  ?? Jacob wants to do his mum proud – but he just can’t help his disruptive behaviour
Jacob wants to do his mum proud – but he just can’t help his disruptive behaviour

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