Derby Telegraph

E-scooters seized by police in city centre


POLICE have seized several private e-scooters in Derby city centre.

The police have clarified personal e-scooters are only permitted in private areas with the landowner’s permission.

Anyone found using a private scooter in public areas could have their vehicle taken away, and they may even be arrested for the offence.

A police spokesman said: “If caught riding a private e-scooter the vehicle could be seized and the rider prosecuted using the Road Traffic Act.

“Officers who come across those using e-scooters will use their profession­al judgement about the manner of their use and the circumstan­ces in each individual case.

“However, if officers see an e-scooter being used in a dangerous manner then the rider will be dealt with robustly and officers will seek to prosecute them to the fullest extent.”

Derbyshire Police confirmed the only e-scooters allowed on public land are those supplied by Derby City Council.

The council recently revealed that 50 e-scooters would be made available, supplied by environmen­tal transport company Wind, for key workers across Derby as part of a 12-month trial of the vehicles. Police have stressed people using these e-scooters are still subject to extensive road safety rules. This includes owning a driving licence and only riding the vehicles in permitted areas.

A spokespers­on said: “The Department for Transport has allowed the 12-month trial of e-scooters in Derby – meaning that the scooters are able to be used in the city, subject to the rules set out by the company in order to hire the scooters.

“Anyone who is riding an e-scooter during the trial in Derby is subject to the same rules and regulation­s as anyone driving or riding a motor vehicle.

“Therefore, they can be prosecuted under the Road Traffic Act for a range of offences such as drink driving and driving without due care and attention. The punishment can range from a fine and points on your licence to a custodial sentence.”

Derbyshire Police have said they are working hard to make sure people in the city are aware of the laws around e-scooters.

A spokesman said: “As with many new areas of law we will always seek to educate the public – many of whom may not realise they are committing an offence by using their machines in public.”

 ??  ?? An e-scooter confiscate­d by police
An e-scooter confiscate­d by police

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