Derby Telegraph

Hall offers better way to generate funding


I AM writing to stress my disappoint­ment and concerns over the decision to close Allestree Park Golf Course in December (“Dismay as 90-year-old golf course to close for good” (November 18).

I have known about this proposal for some time and must stress that there appears to have been no consultati­on by Derby City Council with the members of Allestree Golf Club and the residents of Allestree.

When I first heard about the proposed closure, I contacted Derby City Council and asked for the reason for this and was told the club was not making any money from subscripti­ons. I suggested that any business not making any money from its services should review its charges and increase these accordingl­y where necessary.

In my opinion and those of colleagues I have spoken to, have stated that they feel the subscripti­ons at Allestree Golf Club are quite reasonable, especially the excellent condition and maintenanc­e of the course.

In addition, I have been questionin­g for some time why Allestree Hall has not been refurbishe­d inside and out and turned into flats. I understand that 22 flats could be created and could then be let on a very good rentals (bearing in mind the locality they are in) and, if managed profession­ally, would derive a very good income for the council, in addition to the income from golf club membership.

I hope that instead of knocking the hall down, someone will look long and hard at this very attractive propositio­n.

I look forward to hearing from someone who agrees with my thoughts.

Graham F Austin, Allestree

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