Derby Telegraph

‘Horrific sound’ as victim felled by thug during argument in pub


A WITNESS heard a horrible sound as a man was felled by a thug in a Derbyshire pub.

Michael Barrett struck a man when they had an argument while having a drink together in August. Derby Crown Court heard the victim was hospitalis­ed and suffered a significan­t head injury.

Victoria Rose, prosecutin­g said the defendant was seen being aggressive. An argument taking place between the defendant and the complainan­t, which escalated and the defendant struck the complainan­t on the nose.

She said: “The complainan­t was asking the defendant whether he was going to hit him again. At that point the defendant struck the complainan­t again.”

The complainan­t fell to the floor and Ms Rose said a witness described hearing a sound that he had struggled to get out of his head.

The victim was taken to A and E and a medical reported stated he had a “significan­t head injury”.

The court heard Barrett had 24 conviction­s for 45 offences.

Benn Robinson, mitigating, told the court he had shown genuine remorse.

He said: “He had been speaking to the complainan­t who is a friend and they agree to go for a drink. Sadly, he has consumed too much alcohol and this offence has manifested. It’s not pre-meditated, it is an argument that bubbled over. He has shown genuine remorse.

Barrett, of Derby Road, Birdholme, Chesterfie­ld, admitted grievous bodily harm. Judge Jonathan Bennett handed him an extended prison sentence. This was made up 30 months in jail, with an extended licence period of 18 months. He said: “You are 32 years of age. I’m satisfied that you do present a risk because of the nature of this incident coupled with your previous conviction­s of violence. I impose an extended sentence.”

 ??  ?? Michael Barrett
Michael Barrett

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