Derby Telegraph

This pandemic could have been avoided


THE present pandemic could have been avoided if China hadn’t indulged in slaughteri­ng and eating wild animals such as bats and pangolins that shouldn’t be in any civilised country’s food chain.

They initially denied the pandemic had started in China and blamed other countries. They did however eventually own up to the World Health Organisati­on. The Chinese government have made no apology to anyone for creating this disaster.

This is not the first time a pandemic such as this has happened, similar ones occurred in 2002/3 and 2012. It is almost cyclic when these events occur. The present one has been catastroph­ic and, according to the WHO, over 62 million people have this disease and there have been 1.46 million deaths. They have predicted this may eventually lead to over two million deaths. There is scepticism of the low death rate data provided by some communist countries and totalitari­an states.

The emergence of several vaccines that seem to be up to 95% successful is amazing considerin­g the timescales involved. Credit must go to these scientists all around the world involved in this.

World leaders with the power they have should do everything they can to prevent a catastroph­e such as this occurring again. Apart from deaths, the damage to the world’s leading countries apart from China is astronomic.

To date, despite repeated requests, China has not allowed any internatio­nal investigat­ors into their country.

It would appear that most of the world’s major economies, apart from America and Australia, are behaving in a subservien­t manner to China.

Official Government figures state that over 59,000 people have died in the UK from coronaviru­s, yet we still to continue to give China – the second largest economy in the world – Internatio­nal aid, despite saying on several occasions they would stop. China has a poor human rights record and has recently sent a rocket to the moon to collect rock and dust samples.

Dave Fearn, Kilburn

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