Derby Telegraph

EU are thes ones putting up barriers


I WAS warming toward your correspond­ent CN Westerman with his opinions on the coronaviru­s. Now the spectre of Brexit has appeared on the horizon, he has attacked it and those who voted for it.

To blame all our ills and future troubles on Brexit is naive, especially in the middle of a pandemic.

Does he not think that Europe are not in meltdown? They say they will pump two trillion euros into their economies – so who will pay for that, the toothfairy? I suppose that’s OK since the EU have never signed off an audit.

Euro MPs will still travel, eat, and sleep first class on their gravy train – the peasants can pay. This is not an organisati­on built on friendship and cooperatio­n. Once in you’re under their control, any nation wanting to leave will either be told to have a second vote, and if that doesn’t work then they threaten sanctions and penalties, to bring you to heel. It’s run by unelected commission­ers and, where everyone had a veto, now that’s to end and probably it’ll be what France and Germany say.

Mr Westerman talks of populism – was he against Tony Blair, who swept to power on it or, for that manner Jeremy Corbyn: he was popular among Labour voters, but not his MPs? Why should Brexit end cooperatio­n and friendship. We still wish to trade buy their goods, travel to their resorts. It’s them putting barriers in the way, not us.

Finally he links all this to bigots and racists – a tactic to stop free speech by so called protectors of morality. He would clearly y rather be ruled the devil than us.

Alan Byrne, Ripley

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