Derby Telegraph

Shopliftin­g mum claimed her drink had been spiked


A MUM “went off the rails” and began stealing from shops.

Southern Derbyshire Magistrate­s’ Court heard how Rebecca Portsmouth took meat from one supermarke­t “because she was hungry”.

But two days later the 37-year-old walked into a Boots store and left with more than £180 of goods.

She claimed she could not remember committing the second crime, believing her drink had been spiked.

But she later pleaded guilty to two counts of theft.

Her lawyer told the hearing: “The defendant’s criminal record shows she was quite prolific between 2016 and 2017 but her court appearance­s have been diminishin­g since that time and I would submit this was a blip on an otherwise improving record.

“She would say she went off the rails in September (when the offences took place) after finding out her mother had cancer and her daughter was pregnant.”

Peter Bettany, prosecutin­g, said the two offences happened in late September. He said on September 26, Portsmouth walked into a Sainsbury’s store in Swadlincot­e and stole £20.50 of meat.

Mr Bettany said two days later she entered the Boots store in High Street, Swadlincot­e and took gift sets and fragrances worth more than £180.

He said: “She was recognised from CCTV, arrested and interviewe­d, saying she stole the meat because she was hungry.

“She said on the second occasion she had been to an address where she had her drink spiked by people she did not know.

“She said she had no memory of committing the Boots theft.”

Magistrate­s handed Portsmouth a 16-week jail term, suspended for a year, telling her: “The suspension is your credit for your guilty plea so you will not be going to prison today.”

Portsmouth, of Chrysanthe­mum Court, Newhall, who appeared over a video-link from St Mary’s Wharf police station in Derby, replied: “Thank you very much.”

She was also fined £20 and was ordered to pay £207.50 compensati­on, £85 costs and a £128 victim surcharge.

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