Derby Telegraph

Low-key police presence at Kill the Bill protest rally in city centre


AROUND 100 people gathered near Derby Cathedral for a protest being held against the Government’s Police Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill.

The socially-distanced Kill the Bill event took place at Cathedral Green on Saturday afternoon.

It was one of dozens of such events taking place nationally over the weekend to protest against the bill, which gives police greater powers to respond to public protests.

Beginning at 1pm, speakers from local campaign groups including Derby Stand up to Racism and Extinction Rebellion Derby outlined why they opposed the bill.

In the lead-up to the protest in

Derby many of the groups involved called on people who were thinking of attending to wear masks, socially distance and refrain from violence.

Previous protests against the bill elsewhere in the country, most notably in Bristol, had turned violent after clashes between police and protestors.

However, there was no sign of any problems developing in Derby, with a minimal police presence as the socially distanced crowd listened to the speeches.

It ended with a plea from organisers for people to continue protesting against the bill and asking attendees to take their rubbish home with them.

Critics have said if it is introduced, the new laws would curtail the public’s right to protest and ‘chip away’ at democracy in the UK. The Government says the widerangin­g proposals will overhaul the justice system, cut offending and make streets safer, with the bill including laws to reform sentencing, the courts and handling offenders.

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