Derby Telegraph

Govt is showing we are independen­t


I READ Phil Garner’s piece on the showing of the flag by the Government; while we can all find a quote to fit our argument I believe he’s completely misread the intention (“Bragging with the flag extremely un-British”, March 31).

I realise it may upset those who would rather see a EU flag flying – whatever that is, after all it’s not a nation as such – I think the Government is showing we, the United Kingdom, an independen­t nation, are ready and open to do business with the world.

The efforts of the unelected leaders who would rather spend their time trying to find ways to bring this country down, rather than with cooperatio­n, because we had the gall to leave, does nothing but to show what petty little people they are.

It has become increasing­ly popular to deride this country while taking all the benefits it offers.

If you go to France, Spain, Italy, Greece, you will see their flags everywhere so why shouldn’t this country?

Also I am sure their police officers would not take the insults that ours do, they’ve become marginalis­ed by the protesters.

I truly believe we gave a lot to the world which was beneficial to all.

Alan Byrne, Ripley

I HAVE recently read comments on the letters page the use of the American pronunciat­ion on the street. I quite agree, why use it?

There is also another issue with the English pronunciat­ion, muvver/ faaver, instead of mother/father ..... or fink instead of think, there’s dozens more,.

I’ve been told it’s Derbyshire speak, that’s rubbish. I was born, bred and educated in Derbyshire, and never in my time has any teacher taught me to pronounce my words in such a childish way.

I’ve also been told it’s “chav” whoever they are, I think “chav” needs elocution lessons.

Bernie McAlister, Heanor

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