Derby Telegraph

Cryptic crossword


Stuck on today’s puzzle? Call 0905 789 4220 to hear individual clues or the full solution.

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1. The French doctor is small and woolly (4)

8. The makings of a stretcher, perhaps (10)

9. Bound in friendship with an abstainer who was in pain (8)

10. I fled to land in Asia (4)

12. What was written to the landlord? (6)

14. No robe for fairy king (6)

15. Strong dislike of coloured headgear (6)

17. Disturbing rattle will bring you in second (6)

18. Illustriou­s warrior has nothing on her! (4)

19. It is intended to contain strikers (8)

21. Solemnly declare the idiot was always eating (10)

22. Ancient queen was completely inactive (4)


2. None different, however (3,3,4)

3. Gamble with letter – it’s all Greek (4)

4. She owned a cleaning machine (6)

5. Do suit for broadcaste­r to work in (6)

6. Stress I should be in when there’s a mishap (8)

7. Why mnemonic may be part song (4)

11. Can’t the directors understand it’s open? (5,5)

13. Amount of business often done by person who can’t sleep? (8)

16. Put a little water in enclosure for mother animal (6)

17. Permit Prince Henry to be deadly (6)

18. Listen twice to cheer (4)

20. Take notice of the editor (4)

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