Derby Telegraph

Reading books fuels children’s imaginatio­n


WHILE changing my library books in my local library, it was really refreshing to see young mothers taking their young children and encouragin­g them to seek books to read, along with teaching or encouragin­g their children to use the self-service points.

But what was depressing were the numbers of parents who do not encourage their children to read and depend on others to start their children’s education, of which some never really catch up.

What really made my trip to my local library enjoyable was the enthusiasm shown by children to read or study their books upon being handed them.

Which begs the question: how many children are put in front of the TV to watch mind-numbing cartoons, or the trash produced today?

But how much is it down to bad parenting, rather than a lack of books? Like the radio, books give the individual the opportunit­y to recreate or imagine the situation or scene, rather than television and films removing that brain process.

How many more brain processes have been made redundant or lost to technology, such as mental arithmetic, reading a map or applying ethics to a decision?

I am aware that technology is continuing to enhance our everyday tasks, but how many could survive without the technology?

Tony Morris, by email

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