Derby Telegraph

Ernie’s tail has a happy ending after nearly three months of separation


IS there anything more precious than a senior dog in their golden years? In many cases, our older pets have been in our lives since puppyhood. We have shared our homes and hearts with them – and we continue to love them as their fur turns silver and their woofs become wise.

Today over on our sister website TeamDogs, it’s all about the golden oldies – show us your senior dogs and you could win a prize.

All week, TeamDogs is holding an online dog show with a different category to be won each day.

All winners, including yesterday’s fabulous waggiest tail winner Ernie, will win a rosette and a gift box as well as going forward to the overall category of Best in Show, announced on Saturday.

To enter today’s Golden Oldies award, visit the and post your favourite photo.

Yesterday’s judge had her work cut out for her choosing a favourite waggy tail from your collection of excitable videos but the fouryear-old cockapoo clinched the award for bringing everyone to tears.

Owner Rachael Hartwell said: “Here’s Ernie with his waggiest tail meeting his nanny after not seeing her for nearly three months due to the original lockdown 2020. “The video brings a lump to my throat every time I watch it as I feel it encapsulat­es mine, my mums and Ernie’s love for each other.” The footage shows Ernie running on a footpath towards his nanny. When he spots her, he stands still in shock. His nanny calls for him, and he scampers straight to her in excitement, with his fluffy black tail wagging.

He jumps back and forth before planting a kiss on her face, and circling her in glee.

Afterwards, Ernie doesn’t know what to do with himself, and burns off some steam running around the field.

Judge Karen Price, co-host of TeamDogs’ Fetch. Chase. Eat. Sleep. Repeat. Podcast, picked Ernie as her winner. She said: “It was such a close call as all the shortliste­d dogs had brilliantl­y waggy tails but Ernie was a joy to watch when he greeted the lady and you could experience his sheer excitement seeing her through his incredibly waggy tail.”

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