Derby Telegraph

Back to the 1990s

With his Austin Metro, chunky phone and Walkman, Jack loves living in the past


HE uses a Walkman to listen to the Spice Girls on cassette, wears Sweater Shop jumpers, has a VHS video recorder and even drives a G reg Austin Mini Metro, such is his obsession with the 1990s.

Twenty-three-year-old Derbyshire man Jack Walters is unlikely to remember much about the decade he was born but he has spent thousands on his passion for the 90s.

The illustrato­r has turned his home into a live-in museum with vintage IKEA furniture, Nokia mobile phones and telephone alarm clocks. He even uses Windows 95 on an old chunky laptop.

Jack, from Bakewell, said: “It started as me recreating my parents’ house from when I was little, with the cosiness.

“I never really enjoyed modern decorating with all the greys. It didn’t have the homey quality, and I wanted to replicate that.

“When we moved into this current house two years ago, it was super bland and white. Not much had changed in the house since 1995 except it’d had a lot of white paint and a laminate floor put in.

“The house is the result of a lot of snooping around charity shops and eBay. I also get gifted things by people who know me. They’ll see something and go ‘Oh, Jack will enjoy that.’

“I’m probably at the charity shop once every two weeks, and I probably spend about £30 max. The most expensive item I’ve probably brought is my 1980s television in my living room. That was £155. Not that expensive really, but for an old TV, people think I’m mad. A friend told me I probably could have got one from the tip.

“I’ve got a few modern appliances. I share the house with my mum, so she has a modern television. We also have a modern dishwasher and washing machine, but I’d say that’s about it.

“That’s an advantage of living here too. There’s like 500 people on a little dirt lane, it could be any time anyway. I look out my window and there’s nothing there but fields.

“I decided to share my house on TikTok initially because I was bored in lockdown and wanted to have a bit of fun. Then I had a lot of people saying they remembered a lot of the items in my house, and that they feel the same way about the 90s. There was a nice feel to it, too, knowing that I’m not a weird person and other people enjoy this stuff, too.

“Because I grew up in a small town and I was the quiet gay kid, I always felt a bit like an outsider.”

Jack lives in the three-bedroom cottage with his parents and his partner of two years, Matthew Whiting, 28.

He has spent roughly £5,000 pursuing his passion for the last decade of the last millennium that sees him scouring charity shops and eBay while wearing high-waisted Levi jeans and Sweater Shop jumpers.

He loves the “cosiness” though he admits people think he’s mad for not enjoying the present day.

And due to living in the Derbyshire countrysid­e, he claims his 90s phone with extendable aerial ensures he gets better signal than his mobile phone, one of a few concession­s to the 2020s.

Jack loves nothing more than watching TV shows from the era such as Absolutely Fabulous, Men Behaving Badly and The Vicar Of Dibley and ‘always’ plays his Now That’s What I Call Music cassette tapes. Other photos show his home full of IKEA catalogues from 1997, old Nokia phones and a bulky, square laptop displaying Windows 95.

Jack said: “In the 1990s, we had enough technology to keep us entertaine­d, but not enough to feel like an overload. Now we have so many different media outlets that it can get a little overwhelmi­ng. It’s nice to have an escape from that.

“I have my old television hooked up to an Apple TV which is hidden around the back. I have loads of old taped TV programs on YouTube. But

I also enjoy videos of series like Absolutely Fabulous, Men Behaving Badly and The Vicar Of Dibley.

He has to explain what his VHS tapes are to younger relatives.

Sharing videos of his time capsule home on TikTok where he ‘pretends it’s the 90s’ has earned him more than 5,000 followers as people have fallen in love with his obsession and he’s met other fans of the Oasis, Britpop and Spice Girl era.

For Jack, who admits he used to get funny looks for wearing his 90s jeans, the decade offers an escape from modern life whilst also accommodat­ing a lot of his interests.

He said: “I love my home telephone. I live out in the sticks, so I get awful mobile phone signal. A home telephone works for me.

“At a push, I’d say my favourite item is probably my radio-alarm clock-telephone. It’s very mundane, but I always feel a bit glam taking calls from my bedroom.

“I do love my bedroom though, as once you shut the door, you could be anywhere between the years 1990 and 2000.

“I love 90s music. I always play the Now That’s What I Call Music cas

sette tapes from 1998 to 1999. It’s very ‘Mum music.’ I obviously love the Spice Girls too – Gerri Halliwell being my favourite.

“I’d say that any point between 1996 and 1999 is my favourite era for decor and music. It’s an escape from the modern world. Some people go to the gym, some play video games, this is my thing. My partner is massively into video games, so he has all the original Nintendo consoles. We overlap in our interests there, so that’s nice.”

Jack’s taste gets mixed reactions, depending on who pops by the house for a visit.

Jack said: “I usually get one of three reactions from people when they come around and see my house. There’ll be some people who get nostalgic and remember things from my house from living through the 1990s. Then you get people like my niece. She’s only young so it’s all new to her and she didn’t believe that my phone or telephone worked. I had to explain to her what a VHS was.

“And I get some people who walk in and don’t get it at all. They think

I’m mad, and they’ll ask why I’m not enjoying what we have now. They’ll say that I should buy new things as they’re better quality.

“In my opinion, it’s cheaper for me to live like this and everything in my house has a story. They last a lot longer, too.

“I’ll have some people online who will tell me it’s not accurate. They’ll say ‘That TV is from the 80s, it’s not 90s.’ I think people forget that back in the day, people bought things to last.” Although he is passionate about things of the era, Jack acknowledg­es that his hobby has left others thinking he was weird. Jack said: “I do get some funny looks when I’m out dressed in a 40-year-old Sweater Shop jumper. Some fashion trends from the 90s are coming back around, whilst others aren’t. I’ve had people say to me ‘It looks like your jeans are back in fashion,’ because when everyone was wearing skinny jeans, I was wearing high-waisted Levi’s. People thought I was a bit weird for doing that.

“Nowadays, being different is embraced and celebrated a lot more. I don’t feel like an outsider so much anymore.

“There’s definitely a lot of people online who share my interests. I even met a mate online who has a house that is completely 70s.

“I know I probably wouldn’t have fit in during the 90s though. Being a gay man and having no internet, I probably wouldn’t have met my partner. Gay men weren’t portrayed in the media at all. I have vintage interests, but modern values.”

In videos that have gained hundreds of thousands of views, Jack shows off his cosy home to much acclaim from TikTok users.

One commenter said: “Okay, but this is such a perfect aesthetic, nothing gimmicky or too much, it’s literally the exact same way my mum decorated our kitchen at home.”

Another user commented: “I thought it was a doll’s house at first!! So nostalgic and oddly comforting.”

Another commenter said: “Things felt warmer back then, everyone’s house is grey now.”

Another user commented: “I’ve got to admit the 90s had warmer feeling decor!”

Another commenter said: “Not my home but it feels like home. I love it.”

In the 1990s, we had enough technology to keep us entertaine­d, but not enough to feel like an overload. Jack Walters

 ?? ??
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 ?? ?? Jack in a Sweater Shop jumper looking through old IKEA catalogues
Jack in a Sweater Shop jumper looking through old IKEA catalogues
 ?? KENNEDY NEWS AND MEDIA ?? Jack with his Austin Mini Metro
KENNEDY NEWS AND MEDIA Jack with his Austin Mini Metro
 ?? ??
 ?? ?? Jack with partner Matthew Whiting
Jack with partner Matthew Whiting
 ?? ?? Jack makes a call on his landline
Jack makes a call on his landline
 ?? ?? Jack wanted to recreate the cosiness of his parents’ home in the 1990s
Jack wanted to recreate the cosiness of his parents’ home in the 1990s
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Is chintzy 1990s chic about to make a comeback?
 ?? ?? Jack’s old TV and massive stereo system
Jack’s old TV and massive stereo system
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Jack’s TV and VHS video recorder
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The Vicar of Dibley and Windows 95
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