Derby Telegraph

American revolution at windmill


THE Stars and Stripes flag was raised at 8.30 on Sunday morning and final preparatio­ns started for a popular automotive event at Heage Windmill.

The mill itself needed preparing and fencing off, as there was just enough breeze to turn the sails, although the cap had to be turned to better face the wind – a job for the two millers.

The visitor centre staff and guides prepared the shop and the rest of the site, making sure all the usual signs were in place, and by 10 o’clock the site was ready.

Perhaps as well, because owners and visitors were now arriving. A special parking team were at the main gate and on the access road. Bowmer and Kirkland had kindly allowed us to use their car park. This was a tremendous help, and many thanks to this local firm, our neighbours, who are always supportive.

Attila Csorba, a great friend of the mill and the instigator of this event, was there with his team organising the parking of the American cars and other vehicles and so, even with the tremendous number of owners and visitors, the day was excellentl­y organised and a great success. The American Car Day is always a great fun day. The owners are full of good humour and totally relaxed, and of course immensely proud of their “beauties”. Also, every time an engine starts up there is that wonderful, throaty V8 sound.

The visitor centre organised tours in and around the mill throughout the day and more than 60 people were taken round the mill – the feedback in the visitors’ book was very encouragin­g.

Sales of ice cream, flour, tea and coffee and souvenirs kept the shop

staff busy. The two Bs – the burger van and bric-a-brac, were, as ever, very popular, but the main joy was to be able to walk among the wonderful vehicles, to talk with the owners and enjoy the sight of the mill with its sails turning, knowing that Heage Windmill Flour was milled here. And we must not forget the glorious weather.

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 ?? ?? Visitors turned out in their droves to the American Car Day at heage Windmill
Visitors turned out in their droves to the American Car Day at heage Windmill

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